AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE. Page. Section. Divine voluntary actings constantly ascribed unto the Holy Spirit in the scripture. 30, 10 Articulate voices in divine revelations how formed, 74, 12 Unalterable decree of God that no unholy person shall be saved, 351, 4 Guilt of unbelief notwithstanding natural impotency, 188, 37 Unclean the same with unholy, 249 Things unclean by the law, why made so, 252 Uucleansed sinners can never come to the enjoyment of God, 265, 10 Uncleansed sinnerscan haveno communion with Christ, 273, 16 Unction of Christ unto his prophetical office, 96, 4 Understanding with all the proper acts of it ascribed unto the Spirit, 39, 19 The understanding, the use of it, and how it is deprav- ed, 145, 16 Understanding corrupted as to the object of its acting, 193, 52 No unholyperson can ever enjoy God, 350, 13. Vanity of unholy persons pretending an interest in the mediation of Christ, 378, 19 Unholy persons howof all others they dishonour Jesus Christ, 379, 20 Personal union or the subsistenceof both the natures of Christ in one person, the necessary consequent of as- , sumption, 90, 5 Union with Christ notwithstanding the defilementof sin, how possible, 273, 16 Union with Christ by virtue of the new creature, 274 Union with Christ wherein it consists, 282, 36 Union with Christ and the natures thereof 305, 66 Whetherunion go before sanctification, and in what sense, 305, 67 Universality the best evidence of sincere sanctification, 248 Unregenerate persons must all perish, 174, 2 Unregenerate personsmay pray for the Spirit, 242, 4 Use ofspiritual gifts, 1, 1 Use of promises, exhortations and threateuings, 115, 10 Use of ordinances and means necessary to the progress of holiness, 253 409 Page. Section. Diligent use of means required unto every one that would be holy, 351,. 4 Usefulness in the world depends on our conformity to God, 345,. 22 W. Water poured on grace to cause it to grow, 233, S Tire and water the means of all typical cleansing, 249, 1 Watching against sin on the account of its defilement, 272, 15 The way whereby the blood of Christ cleanseth 'front sin, known to few, 258, 3 The way of cleansing sin made known by the Holy Spirit alone, - 261 Ways whereby grace is increased, 230, 6 Ways and means whereby we may come to a discovery of the defilement of sin, 263,. 11 The weakest grace shall be preserved, 231, (i Weakness of human reason to instruct us unto obedi- ence, 376, 13 A rational will the most eminent property of person, ascribed to the Holy Ghost, 41, 20 The will of the Spirit in all his operations, 114, 8 Christ hot to be sought in the wilderness, in what sense, 114, 15 Will and affections how under the power of the mind, 163, 61 The will of God the only rule of obedience, 171, 27 Wills and affections of men how wrought upon by the word, 177, 13 The will in conversion acts not but as it is acted, 187, 35 Acts d the will in conversion how to be considered, 188, 39 The will considered as a vital faculty, and as a free principle, 195, 5.5 Will of God the rule and measure of our obedience, 277, 3 Every gracious act of the will wrought by the Holy Spirit, 316, 14 Wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit in the preserva. lion of grace, 234, 9