Owen - BX9315 O81

TO THE READERS.. AN account in general of the nature and design of the ensuing discourse, with the reasons why it is made public at this time, being given in the first chapter of the treatise itself; I shall not long detain the readers here at the entrance of it. But some few things it is neces- sary they should be acquainted withal, and that both as to the matter contained in it, and as to the manner of its handling. The subject matter of the whole, as the title, and almost every page of the book declare, is the HolySpirit of God, and hisoperations. And two things there are which either of them are sufficient to render any subject either difficult on the one hand, or unplea- sant on the other, to be treated of in this way; both which we have herein to conflict withal. For where the matter itself is abstruse and mysterious, the handling of it cannot bewithout its difficulties; andwhere it is.fallen byany means whateverunder, public contempt and scorn, there is. an abatement of satisfaction, in, the consideration and defence of it. Now all the concernments of the Holy Spirit are an eminent part of the mystery, or deep things of God. For as the knowledge of them Both wholly depend on midis regulatedby divine revelation, so are they in their own nature divine and heavenly, dis- tant and remote from all things that the heart of man in the mere exercise of itsown reason or understandingcan rise up unto. But yet on, the other hand there is no- thing in the world that is more generally despised as foolish and contemptible, than the things that are spo- ken of and ascribed unto the Spirit of God. He needs no furtherance in the forfeiture of his reputation; with many as a person fanatical, estranged from the conduct of reason, and all generous principles of conversation who dares avowan interest in his work, or take upon him the defence thereof. Wherefore these things must be a little spoken unto, if only to manifest whence relief may be had against the discouragements wherewiththey are attended. 'or the first thing proposed,, it must be granted that the things here treated of, are in themselves mysterious and abstruse. But yet the way whereby we may endea- vour an acquaintance with them, according to the mea- sure of the gift of Christ unto every one, is made plain in the scriptures of truth. If this way be neglected or despised, all other ways ofattempting the same end, be they ever so vigorous or promising, will prove ineffec- tual. What belongs unto it, as to theinward frame and dispositionof mind in them who search after understand- ing in thesethings, what unto the outwarduse of means, what unto the performanceof spiritual duties, what unto conformity in the whole, soul unto each discovery of truth that is attained, is not my present work to declare nor shall I divert thereunto. If God give an opportu- nity to, treat concerning the work of the Holy Spirit enabling us to understand the scriptures, or the mind. of God its, them, the whole of this way will be at large declared, At present it may suffice toobserve, that God, who in himself is the eternal original spring and fountain of all truth,, is also the only sovereign cause and author of its revelation, unto us., And whereas that truth which originally is one in him is of various sorts and kinds, according to the variety of the things which it respects in its communication unto us, the ways and means of that communication are suited unto the distinct nature ofeach truth in. particular., So the truth of things na. turai is madeknown from God by the exercise of reason, or the due application of the understanding that is in man. unto their investigation. For the things of: a man. knotveth the spirit, of a man that is in him.. Neither ordinarily, is them any, thing more required unto that degree or certaintyy of knowledge in things of that na- ture whereof our minds are capable, but the diligent ap, plication of the fatuities of our souls in the due use of- proper means unto the attainment thereof., Yet is there a secret work of the Spirit of God herein,, even in the- communication of skill and ability in things-natural,, na,