12 fDISCO'URSE may be no failure herein, I will do it by a creating act of power, ver. 19. I create thefruit 2f the lips, peace, peace, This is the method of the Holy Ghost in ad- ministering consolationunto thechurch, openly evidenc- ing that love and compassion from whence it doth pro- ceed. And without this method should no one soul be ever spiritually refreshed under its dejections. For we are apt to behaveourselves frowardly more or less under the work ofthe Holy Ghost towards us. Snfinite love and compassion alone working by patience and long- suffering can carry it on unto perfection. But if we are not only froward under particular occasions, temp- tations, and surprise's clouding our present view of the Holy Spirit in his work, but are also habitually care- less and negligent about it, and do never labour to come into satisfaction in it, but always indulge unto the peevishness and frowardness of unbelief, it argues a most depraved unthankful frame of heart, wherein the soul of God cannot be well pleased. s. It is an evidence that his work proceedeth from, and is wholly managed in love, in that weare cautioned not to grieve him, Eph. iv. SO. Anda double evidence of the greatness of his love here is tendered unto us in that caution: (1.) In that those alone are subject to be grieved by us, who act in love towards us. If we com- ply not with the will and rule of others, they may be provoked, vexed, instigated into wrath against us. But those alone who love us, are grieved at ourmiscarriages. A severe schoolmaster may be more provoked with the limit of a scholar, than the father is; but the father is grieved with it, when the other is not. Whereas therefore the Holy Spirit is not subject or liable unto the affection of griefas it is a passion in us, we are cau- tioned not to grieve him, namely, to teach us with what love and compassion, with what tenderness and holy delight he performs bis work in us, and towards us. (2.) It is so in that he hath Undertaken the work of comforting them who are so apt and prone to grieve him, as for the most part we are. The great work of the Lord Christ was to die for -us. But that which puts en eminence on his love, is that he died for us whilst we were yet his enemies, sinners, and ungodly, Rom. v. 6, 7, 8. And as the work of the Holy Ghost is to comfort us, so a lustre is put upon it by this, that he comforts those who are very prone to grieve himself. For although it may be we will not through a peculiar S ON THE affection, hurt, molest, or grieve them again by whom we are grieved, yet who is it that will set himself to comfort thosethat grieve him, and that when so they do. But even herein the Holy Ghost commendeth his love unto us, that even whilst we grieve him, by his consolations, -e recovers us from those ways wherewith he is grieved. This therefore is to be fixed as an important principle in this part of the mystery of God, that the principal foundation of the susception of this office of a Comfor- ter by the Holy Spirit, is his own peculiarand ineffable love. For both the efficacy of our consolation, and the life of our obedience, do depend hereon. For when we know that every acting of the Spirit of God towards us, ¿very gracious impression from hitp on our under- standings, wills, or affections, are all of them in pursuit of that infinite, peculiar love whence it was that he took upon him the office of a Comforter, they cannot but all of them influence our hearts with spiritual refreshments. And wherein faith is defective in this matter, that it doth not exercise itself in the consideration of this love of the Holy Ghost, we shall never arrive unto solid, abiding, strong consolation. And as for those by whom all those things, are despised and derided, it is no strait unto mewhether I should renounce thegospel, or reject them from an interest in Christianity, for the approba- tion of both is inconsistent. Moreover, it is evident how great a motive hence ariseth unto cheerful, watchful, universal obedience. For all the actings of sin or un- belief in us, are in the first place re-actions unto those of the Holy Ghost in us, and upon us. By them he is resisted in his persuasions, quenched in his motions, and himself grieved. If there be any holy ingenuity in us, it will excite a vigilant diligence not to be over- taken with such wickednesses against unspeakable love. He will walk both safely and fruitfully whose soul is kept under a sense of the love of the Holy Spirit herein. Thirdly, Infinite power is also needful unto and ac- cordingly evident in the discharge of this office. This wehave fixed, that the Holy Ghost is and ever was the Comforter of the church. Whatever therefore is spo- ken thereof, belongs peculiarly unto him. And it is expressed as proceeding from and accompanied with in- finite power, as also the consideration of persons and things declare it necessary that so it should be. Thus .,,,-- ...atßiW