THE HOLY SPTRIT, AND. 3315 WORK. 21 he is on the account of his gracious inhabitation, to carry on and perfect the work ofgrace, holiness, andsanctifica- tion in them. And what instruction they may take for their own deportment towards him, may be afterwards spoken unto. So, in many other places is his presence with us (which wel,ave proved to be by the way of gra- cious inhabitation) proposed as the cause and spring of all his gracious operations, and so' distinct from them. So the Holy Ghost that is given us, sheds abroad the love ofGod in our hearts, Rom. v. 5. The Spirit of God that dwelleth in us, shall quicken ourmortal bodies, Rom. viii. 12. He beareth witness with our spirits that see are the sons of God, Rom. viii. 16. Which places have been elsewhere explained and vindicated. (2.) This is the hidden spring and cause of that in- expressible distance and difference that is, between be- lievers and the rest of the world. Our apostle tells us, that the life ofbelievers is hidwith Christ in God, Col. iii. 3. A blessed life they have while they are here, dead to the world, and as dead in the world. A life that will issue in eternal glory: But no such thing ap- pears, no lustre of it is cast abroad into theeyes of men: True, saith the apostle, for it is hidwith Christ in God. It is so, both in its causes, nature, operations, and means of preservation. But by this hidden life it is that they are differenced from the perishing world. And it will not be denied, as I suppose, that this differ- ence is real and great: for those who believe, do enjoy the especial love and favour of God; whereas thosewho do not, are under the curse, and the wrath of God abideth on them. They are alive unto God, but these are dead in trespasses and sins. And if men will not believe that there is no inexpressible a difference be- tween them in this world, they will be forced to con- fess it at the last day, when the decretory sentences of Come ye blessed, and go ye caused, shall be openly de- nounced. Bat, for the most part, there is no visible cause in the eyes of the world ofthis inexpressible and eternal . difference between these two sorts of persons. For besides, that, for the most part, the world doth judge amissof all that believers are and do, and do rather, throughan inbred enmity, v, orkingby wicked and foolish surmises, supposethem tobe the worst, rather than abso- lately the best of men: there is not, for the most part, such a visible, manifest difference in theoutward actions and duties, on which alone a judgment may be passed in man's day, as to be a just foundation of believing so un- speakable a difference between theirpersons as is spoken of. 'There is a difference in their works, which indeed ought to be far greater than it is; and as a greater testi- many given to the righteousnessof God, 1 John iii. 12. There is yet a greater difference in internal, habitual grace, whereby theminds ofbelievers are transformed ini- tially into the imageof God, 'Titus i. 15. But these things will not bear the weight of this inconceivable distance. Principally therefore it depends hereon, namely, the inhabitation of the Spirit in them that believe. The great difference between the two houses that Solomon built, was, that God dwelt in the one, and he himself in the other. Though any two houses, as unto their outward fabric, make the same appearance, yet if the King dwell in the one, and a robber in the other, the one may be a palace, and the other a den. It is this inhabitation of the Spirit whereon all the privileges of believers do immediately depend, and all the advan- tages which they have above the men of the world. And the difference which is made hereby, or ensueth hereon, is so inconceivably great, as a sufficient reason may thence be given of all the excellent things which are spoken of them who are partakers of it. mot.. CHAP. V. PARTICULAR ACTINGS OF THE HOW HE IS THE especial actings of the Holy Spirit towards be- lievers as their Comforter, with the privileges and ad- vantageswhich by them theyare madepartakersof, have F HOLY SPIRIT AS A COMFORTER. AN UNCTION. I been severally spoken unto bymany; and I have also to other discourses had occasion to treat concerning some of them. I shall therefore be the more brief hi 37