HOLY SPIRIT, namely, when he seals them with his Spirit, or by the communicationof the Holy Spirit unto them. And this he doth in two respects: For, (2.) This is that whereby he giveth believers assu- rance of their relation unto him, of their interest in him, of his love and favour to them. It lath been ge- nerally conceived, that this sealing with the Spirit is that which gives assurance unto believers; and so in- deed it doth, although the way whereby it doth it, lath not been rightly apprehended. And therefore none have been able to declare the especial nature of that act of the Spirit whereby he seals us, whence such assu- rance should ensue. But it is notany act of the Spirit in us that is the ground of our assurance, but the com- munication of the Spirit unto us. This the apostle plainly testifieth l John iii. 24. Hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he bath given us. That God abideth in us, and we in him, is the subject- matter of our assurance; This we know, saith the apos- tle; which expresseth the highest assurance we are capable of in this world. And how do we know it? even by the Spirit which he bath giben unto us, But, it may be, the sense of these words may be, that the Spirit which God gives us Both by some especial work of his, effect this assurance in us; and so it is not his being given unto us, but some especial well( of his in us, that is the ground of our assurance, and consequently our sealing. 1 do not deny such an especial work of the Spirit as shall be afterwards declared; but I judge that it is the communication of the Spirit himself unto us that is here intended: for so the apostle declares his sense to be, chap. iv. 18, Hereby know toe, that we dwell in God and he in us, because he bath given us his Spirit. This is the great evidence, the great ground of assurance which we have, that God bath taken us into a near and dear relation unto himself, because he bath given us of his Spirit; and that . great and heavenly gift which he will impart unto no others. And indeed on this one hinge depends the whole case of that assurance which believers are capable. of.. If the Spirit of God dwell in us, we are his; But ifany mean have not the Spirit of Christ,. he is none of his, Rom. viii. 9. Here alone depends the determina- tion of our especial relation unto God. By this there- fore dothGod seal believers, and therein gives them as- surance ofhis love; And this is tobe the sole ruleofyour self-examination, whether you are sealed of God or no. (s.) Hereby God evidenceth them unto the world, AND HIS WORK. 31 which is another end of sealing. He marks them so hereby for his own, as that the world cannot but in ge- neral take notice of them. For where God sets this seal in the communicationof his Spirit, it will so operate and produce such effects, as shall fall under the obser- vation of the world. As it did in the Lord Christ, so also will it do in believers according unto their mea- sure. And there are two ways whereby God's sealing doth evidence them unto the world. The one is by the effectual operation of the Spirit communicated unto them both in gifts and graces. Though the world is blinded with prejudices, and under the power of a prevalent enmity against spiritual things, yet it cannot but discover what a change is made in the most of those whom God thus sealeth, and how by the gifts and" graces of the Spirit, which they hate, they are differ- enced from other men. And this is that which keeps up the difference and enmity that is in the world be- tweenthe seeds. For God's sealing of believers with his Spirit evidenceth his especial acceptance of them, which fills the hearts of them who are actuated with the spirit of Cain, with hatred and revenge. Hence many think that the respect which God had unto the sacri- fice of Abel was testified by some visible sign, which Cain also might take noticeof.. And that there was au ,14.-vqcFot, the kindling of his sacrifice by fire from hea- ven, which was the type and resemblance of the Holy Ghost, as hash been chewed. All other causesof differ- ence are capable of a composition, but this, about the seal of God, can never be composed. And that which . followeth from hence is, that those who are thus seal- ed with the Spirit of God, cannot but separate them- selves.from. the most of the world, whereby it is more evidenced unto whom theydo belong.. (4.) Hereby God seals believers unto the day of re- demption, or everlasting salvation. For the Spirit, thus given unto them, is, as we have shewed already, . to abide with them for ever, as smell ofwater, in them, springingup into everlasting life, John vii. This therefore is that seal which God grants unto be- lievers, even his Holy Spirit, for the ends mentioned, which, according unto their measure, and for thiswork and end, answers that great seal of heaven which God gaveunto the Son, by the communication of the Spirit unto him in all its divine fulness, authorising and ena- blinghim unto his whole work, and evidencing him to be called of God thereunto.