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HOLY SPIRIT, A ed by them in whomwe are particularly concerned. The miscarriages ofothers we can pass over without any such trouble. And there are three things that gives us an e- special concernment in others: (I.) Relation, as that of a father, a husband, a brother. This makes us to be concerned in, and consequently to be grieved for the miscarriages of them that are related unto us. So is it with the Holy Spirit: he hath undertaken the office of a Comforter towardsus, and stands in that relation to us. Hence he is soconcerned in us, as that he is said to be grieved with our sins, when he is not so at the sins of them unto whom he stands not in especial relation. (2.) Love gives concernment, and makes way for grief upon occasion of it. Those whom we love we are grieved for and by: others may provoke indignation, but they cause not grief, 1 mean on their own account; for otherwise we ought to grieve for the sins of all. And what is the especial love of theHoly Ghost towards us, path been declared. From what }lath been spoken, it is evident what we are warnedof what is enjoined unto us, when we are cau- tioned not to grieve the Holy Spirit, and how we may do so: For we do it, (I.) When we are not influenced by his love and kindness, to answer his mind and will in all holy obedi- ence, accompanied with joy, love, and delight. This he deserves at our hands, this he expects from us; and where it is neglected, because of his concernment in us, we are said to grieve him; for he looks not only for our obedience, but also that it be filled tip with joy, love, and delight. When we attend unto duties with an un- willing mind ; when we apply ourselves unto any actsof obedience in a bondage or servile frame, we grieve him, who bath deserved other things ofus. (2.) When we lose and forget the sense and impres- sions of signal mercies received by him. So the apostle, to give efficacy untohis prohibition, adds the signal be- nefit which we receive by him, in that he seals us to the day ofredemption; which, what it is, and wherein it doth cònsist, path been declared. And hence it is evi- dent, that he speaks of the Holy Spirit, as dwelling in believers; for as such he seals them. Whereas there- fore, in and by sin, we forget the great grace, kindness, and condescension of the Holy Spirit in his dwelling in us, and by various ways communicating of the love and grace of God unto us; we may be well said to grieve x ND HIS WORK. 3'r him. And certainly this consideration, together with that of thevile ingratitude and horrible folly there is in neglecting and defiling his dwelling-place, with the dan- ger of his withdrawing from us on the continuance of our provocation, ought to be as effectual a motive unto universal holiness, and constant watchfulness therein, as any can be proposed unto us. (8.) Some sins there are which, in an especial manner above others, do grieve the Holy Spirit. These our a- postle expressly discourscth of, 1 Cor. iii. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. And, by the connexion of the words in this place, he seems to make corrupt communication, which always path a tendency unto corruption ofconversation, to be a sin of this nature, ver. 29, S0. Secondly, That which we have rendered to roes him, Isa. lxhi. 10. is but the heightening and aggravation of his being grieved by our continuance, and it may be ob- stinacy in those ways whereby he is grieved. For this is the progress in these things. if those whom we are concerned'in, as children, or other relations, do fall into miscarriages and sins, we are first grieved by it. This grief in ourselves is attended with pity and compassion towards them, with an earnest endeavour for their re- covery. But if, notwithstanding all our endeavours, and the application of means for their reducement, they con- tinue to go on frowardly in their ways, then are we vex- ed at them ; which includes an addition of anger and in- dignation unto our former sorrow or grief: Yet, in this posture ofthings, we cease not to attempt their cure for a season, which if it succeed not, but they continue in their obstinacy, then we resolve to treat with them no more, but to leave them to themselves. And not only so, but upon our satisfaction oftheir resolution fora con- tinuance in ways of sin and debauchery, we deal with them as their enemies, and labour to bring them unto punishment. And, for our better understanding of the nature of our sin and provocation, this whole scheme ofthings is ascribed unto the Holy Ghost with respect unto -them. How he is said to be grieved, and eta what occasion, bath been declared. Upon a continuance in those ways wherewith he is grieved, he is said to be vexed ; that we may understand there is also anger and displeasure towards us ; yet he forsakes us not, yet he takes not from us the means of grace and our recovery. But if we discover an obstinacy in our ways, and an un- treatable perverseness, then he will cast us off, and deal SS