Owen - BX9315 O81

AND SPIRITUAL GIFTS. 43 others. Nor do I intend abilities for actions moral, civil, from a neglect and contempt of these giftswith their due use and improvement. When men began to neglect ' the attaining of these spiritual gifts, and the exercise of them, in praying, in preaching, in interpretation of the scripture, in all the administrations and whole worship of the church, betaking themselves wholly to their own abilities and inventions, accommodated unto their ease and secular interests, it was an easy thing for Satan to erect again his kingdom, though not in theold manner, because of the light of the scripture which had made impression on the minds of men, which be could not obliterate. Wherefore he never attempted openly to set up Heathenism or Paganism, with the gods of the Old World and their worship; but he insensibly raised another kingdom, which pretended some likeness unto and compliance with the letter of the word, though it came at last to be-in all things expressly contrary there unto. This was his kingdom of apostaey and darkness, under the Papal Antichristianism, and woful degeneracy ofother Christians in the world. For, when men who pretend themselves entrusted with the preservation of the kingdom of Christ, did wilfullycast away those wea- pons of their warfare whereby the world was subdued unto him, and ought to have been kept insubjectionby them, what else could ensue. 3. By these gifts,. I say, doth the Lord Christ'demon- strate his power, and exercise hisrule. External force, and carnal weapons, were far from his thoughts, as un- becoming his absolute sovereignty over the souls of men, his infinitepower and holiness. Neither .did any ever betake themselves unto them in the affairs of Christ's kingdom, but either when they had utterly lost and a- bándoned these spiritual weapons, or did not believe that they are sufficient to maintain the interest of the gospel, though originally they were so to introduce and fix it in the world, that is, that although the gifts of the Holy Ghost were sufficient and effectual to bring in the truth and doctrine of the gospel against all opposition, yet are they not so to maintain it which they may do well once more to consider.. Hereintherefore they agree with saving graces: for that they are peculiarly from Je- sus Christ the Mediator, is confessedby all;. unless it be by such as by whom all real, internal grace is denied. But the sanctifying operations of the Holy Spirit, with their respect unto the Lord Christ as Mediator, have been sufficiently before confirmed. or political; as fortitude, skill in government or rule, and the like: for, although these are gifts of the power of the Spirit of God, yet they do belong unto those o- perations which he exercised: in upholding or ruling of the world, or the old creation as such, whereof I have treated before. But I intend those alone which are conversant about the gospel, the things and duties ofit, the administration ofits ordinances, the propagation of its doctrine and profession of its ways. And herein also I put a difference between them, and all those .gifts of the Spirit about sacred things, which any of the people of God enjoyed under the Old Testament. For we speak only of those which are powers of the world to come. Those others were suited to the economy of the old covenant, and confined with the light which God was pleased then to communicate unto his church. Unto the gospel state they were not suited, nor would be useful in it. Hence the prophets, who had the most eminent gifts, did yet all of them come short of John the Baptist, because they had not, by virtue of their gifts, that acquaintance with the person of Christ, and insight into his work of mediation, that he had; and yet also he came short of him that is least in the king- dom ofheaven, because his gifts were not purely evan- gelical. Wherefore these gifts whereof we treat, are such as belong unto the kingdom of God erected in an especial manner by Jesus Christ after his ascension into heaven: for he was exalted that he might fill all things, nn :vra, that is, the whole church with these effects of his power and grace... The power therefore of com- municating thesegifts was granted unto the Lord Christ as Mediator by the Father, for the foundation and edi- ficationof his church, as it is expressed, Acts ii. 33. And by them was his kingdom both set np and propa- gated, and is preserved in the world. These were the weapons of warfare which he furnished his disciples withal, when he gave them commission to go forth and subdue the world unto the obedienceof the gospel, Acts i. 4, 8. And mighty were they through God unto that purpose, it Cor. x. 3, 4, 5, 6. In the use and exercise of them did the gospel run, and was glorified, to the ruin of the kingdom of Satan and darkness in theworld.. And that he was ever able to erect it again under ano- ther form than that of Gentilism, as he bath done in the Antiehristian apostacy of the church visible, it was