AND SPIRITUAL GIFTS. 57 erected an office in the church, or an Episcopacy, pria-`~ list? or what rules or directions are given as to their cipally, if net solely, out of what is ascribed unto these qualifications, power,-or duty? or how they should be Evangelists, comely, toTimothy and Titus, they may so ordained? It is true, that those who are ordained be further attended unto in their claim, when they lay ministers of the gospel, and others also that are the dis- the least pretence unto thewhole of what is ascribed un- ciples of Christ, may and ought to preach the gospel to to them. But this doing the work of an Evangelist, is unconverted persons and nations, as they have oppor- that which few men care for, or delight in ; only their tunity, and are particularly guided by the providence of power and authority in a new kind of managery, many God : but that any church or person have power or au. would willingly possess themselves of. thority to ordain a person unto this office and work, 18. 2. TheEvangelists, we read of, had extraordinary cannot be proved. gifts of the Holy Spirit, without which they could not 21. Lastly, The continuance of the employment as warrantably undertake their office. This we have mani- unto the settling of new planted churches, is no wayne- fested before. Now, these extraordinary gifts, differing cessary : for every church being planted and settled, is not only in degrees, but in kind, from all those of the entrusted with power for its own preservation and conti- ordinary ministry of the church, are not, at present, by nuance indue order according to themind ofChrist, and any pretended unto : And if any should make such a is enabled to do all those things in itself, which at first pretence, it would be an easy matter to convince them were done under the guidance of the Evangelists ; nor of their folly. But, without these gifts, men must con- can any one instance be given wherein they are defec- tent themselves with such offices in the church as are tive. And where any church was called and gathered in stated with respect unto every particular congregation, the nameof Christ, which had some things yet wanting Acts xiv. 23. chap. xx. 28. Titus i. 5. 1 Peter v. 1, 2. unto its perfection and completeorder, which the Evan- Phil. i. I. gelists were to finish and settle ; they did it not but in 19. Sonic indeed seem not satisfied, whether to de- and by the power of the church itself: only presiding rive their claim from Timothy and Titus, as Evangelists, and directing in things to be done. And if anychurches, or from the bishops that were ordained by them, or de- through their own default, have lost that order and scribed unto them. But whereas those bishops wereno power which they were once established in, as they shall other but elders of particular churches, as is evident be- never want power in themselves to recover their pristine yond a modest denial, from Acts xx. 28. Phil i. 1. estate and condition, who will attend unto their duty, 1 Tim. iii. 1, 2, 8. Titus i. 4, 5. So certainly theycan- according unto rule to that purpose: So this would ra- not be of both sorts, the one being apparently superior Cher prove a necessity of raising up new Evangelists, of unto the other. If they are such bishops as Titus and a new extraordinary ministry on the defectionof chur- Timothy ordained, it is well enough known both what ches, than the continuance of them in the church right- is their office, their work, and their duty : If such as ly stated and settled. they pretend Timothy and Titus to be, they must ma- 22. Besides these Evangelists, there were prophets nifest it in the like call, gifts, and employment, as they also who had a temporary, extraordinary ministry in the had. church. Their,grant from Christ, or institution in the 20. For, 3. There are not any, now, who do pre- church, is mentioned, i Cor. xii. 28. Eph. iv. 11. and tend unto their principal employment, by virtue of of- the exercise of their ministry is declared, Acts xiii. 1, fice, nor can so do: for it is certain, that the principal But the namesof prophets and prophecy are used va- work of the Evangelists was to go up and down from riously in the New Testament: for sometimes anextra- one place and nation unto another, to preach the gospel ordinary office and extraordinary gifts are signified by unto Jews and Gentiles as yet unconverted, and their them ; and sometimes extraordinary gifts only; some- commission unto this purpose was as largeand extensive times anordinary office with ordinary gifts; and-some- as that ofthe apostles. But who shall now empower any times ordinary gifts only. And unto one of these heads one hereunto? What church, what persons have recei- may the use of the word be every where reduced : In ved authorityto ordain any one to be such. an Evange- 'i the places mentioned, extraordinary officers endued with P 39 , .-__ _-- _