AXIS st'ITttr with the holy aceominodation of himself in what he teacheth or delivereth in meekness, in vehemency, in tenderness, in sharpness, in severe arguings and pa- thetical expostulations, with all other ways and means suited unto his holy ends, in the propagation of the gos- pel, and edification of the church, are inexpressibly glorious and excellent. All this did he do according to the singular gift of wisdom that was bestowed on him, Wherefore 1 take the word of wisdom he?e mentioned, to be a peculiar spiritual skill and ability, wisely to man- age the gospel in its administration unto the advantage and furtherance of the truth, especially in the defence of it when called tinto the trial with its adversaries This was An elhinent gift of the Holy Ghost; which, considering the persons employed by him in the minis- try, for the most part, being known to be unlearned and ignorant, filled the world with amacentent, and was an effectual means for the subduing of multitudes, unto the obedience of faith. And so eminent Was the apostle Paul in this gift; andso successful in the manage- ment of it, that his adversaries had nothing to say, but that he was subtle, and took men by craft and gode, 2 Cor. xii. 16. The sweetness, condescension, self de. nial, holy compliance, with all which he trade use of mixed with truth, gravity, and authority, they would have had to be ail craft and guile; and this gift, when any measure continued unto any minister of the gospel, is of singular use unto the church of God. Yea, I doubt not but the apostle fixed it here, in the first place, as that which was eminent abobe all the rest. And as where It is too much wanting, tve see what wo- fal mistakes and miscarriages, men, otherwise good and holy, will run themselves into, unto the great disadvan- tage of the gospel; so the real enjoyment and exercise of it in any competent measure, is the life and grace of the ministry. As God filled Bezaleel and Atioliab with wisdom for the buildingof the tabernacle of old, so un- less he give this spiritual wisdom unto the ministers of the gospel, no tabernacle of his will be erected where it is fallen down, nor kept up where it stands. I intend not secular wisdom, or civil wisdom, much less car- nal wisdom; but a spiritual ability to discharge all our duties aright in the ministry committed unto us. And, as was said, where this is wanting, we shall quick- ly see woful and shamefulwork made in churches them- selves. Q tent cars. 61 5. I cannot pass by the consideration of this gift, with out offering something that may guide us, either in the obtaining, or the due exercise of it. And hereunto the things ensuing may be subservient: As, (I.) A sense of our own insufficiency as of ourselves, as unto any end for which this wisdom is requisite. As it is declared. that we babe no sufficiency in ourselves for any thing that is good, all our sufficiency being of God; so, iii particular, it is denied that we have any for the work of the ministry, in that interrogation containing a ne- gative proposition, And who st snftcientfor these things? 2 Car. ii. 16; A sense hereof is the first step towards this wisdom; as our apostle expressly declares: .. Let as no titan deceive himself; if any among you seeméth to « be wise in this world, let hint become a fool, that he may be wise," 1 Cor. iii. Is. Until wediscover, and are sensible ofour own folly, we are fit neither to receive; nor to rise this spiritual wisdom. And the want hereof proves the ruin of many that pretend unto the ministry: and it were to be wished that it were only their own. They come to the work of it full of pride, self-conceit, and foolish elation of mind, in an apprehension of their own abilities, which yet; for the frost part, are mean and contemptible. This keeps them sufficiently entrang- ed from a sense of that spiritual wisdom we treat of. Hence there is nothing of a gospel -ministry; ner work,found among them, but an empty name. And as for those 'who have reduced all ecclesiastical administrations to canons, laws, acts, courts; and legal processes in them, they seem to do it with a design to cast off all use of spiritual gifts; yea, to exclude both them, and their au thor, name, and thing, out of the ;church of God. Is this the wisdom given by the Holy Ghost for the due management ofgospel-administrations,namely that men should get a little skill in some of the worst of hums laws, and uncomely artifices of intriguing secular courts, which they pride themselves in, and terrify poor caea= tures with mulcts and penalties, that are any way ob- noxious unto them?-What use these things may be of in the world I know not, unto the church of God they do not belong. 6. 2..Being sensible of our own insufficiency, earnest prayers for a supply of this wisdom are reqùired in us. Ifany òfyou lack wisdom, let himask ofGod, whogiveth to all men liberally, andupbraideth not, and it shall begill', en him, James I. 5. There is both a precept anda proa 59