G2 A DTSCOtJESE ON THE HOLY SPttlIT, mise to enforce this duty. That we all want wisdom in besearched and studied unto this very end, that consider., ourselves is unquestionable; I mean, as to our concerns ing how they behaved themselves, in all instances, on all in the gospel, either tobear testimony unto it in difficul- occasions, in their testimony, and all administrations of ties, or to manage the truths of it unto edification: 'l'he the truth, we may endeavour slier a conformity unto way for our supply lies plain and open before us; nei- them in the participation of the same Spirit with them, ther is there any other that we can take one step in to- It would be no small stay and guidance unto us, if, on wards it. Let us ash it ofGod, who giveth liberally, and all occasions, we would diligently search and consider we shall receive it. This was that which rendered Solo- what the apostles did in such circumstances, or what mon so great and glorious; when he had his choice gi- they would have done in answer tq what is recorded of ven him of all desirable things, he made his request for their spirit and actings. For, although this wisdom be a wisdom to the discharge of the office and duties of it gift of the Holy Spirit, yet, as we now consider it, as it that God had called bins unto. Though it were an whole is continued in the church, it may be in part obtained, kingdom that he was to rule, yet was his work carnal, and greatly improved, in the due use of the means and of this world, compared with the spiritual admini- which are subservient thereunto ; provided that in all strations of the gospel. And hereunto a worldly ministry we depend solely on God for the giving of it, who is no less averse, than unto a sense of their own insufii- bath also prescribed these means unto us for the same ciency. The fruits do sufficientlymanifest how much this end. duty is contemned by them: but the neglect of it, I say, S. 4. Let themwho design a participation of this gift, the neglect of praying for wisdom to be enabled unto the take heed thatit be not stifled with such vicioushabits of discharge of the work of the ministry, and the due ma- mind as are expressly contrary unto it, and destructiveof nagement of the truths of the gospel, according as oc- it: such are self -fulness, or confidence, hastiness of spirit, casion do require, in them who pretend thereunto, is promptness to speak, and slownessto hear, which are the a fruit of unbelief yea, of atheism and contempt of great means which make many abound in their own God. sense and folly, to be wise in their own conceits, and con- 7. 3. Duemeditationon our great pattern, the Lord temptible in thejudgment of all that aretruly so. Abi Jesus Christ, and the apostles; being followersof them, lity of speech in time and season, is an especial gift of as they were of him, is also required hereunto. As in God, and that eminently with respect unto the spiritual all other things, so in especial, in his ministry, for the re- things ofthe gospel. But a profluency ofspeech venting velation of the truth, and giving testimony thereunto, itself on all occasions, and on no occasions, making men the Lord Jesus was the great pattern and example; God open their mouths wide, when, indeed, they should shut in him representing unto us that perfection in wisdom them, and open their ears, and to pour out all that they which we ought to aim at. I shall not here, in particu- know, and what they do not know, making them angry lar, look unto this heavenly treasury, but only say, that ifthey are not heard, and impatient if they are contradic- hewho would be really and truly wise in spiritual things, ted, is an unconquerable fortification against all true spi who would either rightly receive, or duly improve this ritual wisdom. gift of the Holy Ghost, he ought continually to bear in 3. 5. Let those who would be sharers herein, follow bis heart, his mind, and affections, this great examplar after those gifts and graces which do accompany it, pro- and idea of it, even the Lord Jesus Christ, in his mini- mote it, and are inseparable from it. Such are humility, try, namely, what he did, what he spake, how, on all meekness, patience, constancy, with boldness and confi- occasions, his condescension, meekness, and authority, dence in profession, without which we shall be fools in did manifest themselves; until he be changed into the every trial. Wisdom, indeed, is none ofall these, but it same image and likeness by the Spirit of the Lord. The is that which cannot be without them, nor will it thrive same is to be done in their place and sphere towards in any mind that is not cultivated by them. And he who the apostles, as the principal followers cf Christ, and thinks it is not worth his pains and travail, nor that it who do most lively represent his graces andwisdom unto will quit cost to seek after this spiritual wisdom, by a us. Their writings, and what is written of them, are to constantwatchfulness against the opposite vices mention- ...r.....-.