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AND SPIRITUAL GIFTS. 71 the Holy Ghost designed to accompany thedispensation of the gospel. Wherefore, although thisgift began with the apostles, yet was-it afterwards verymuch diffused un- to the generality of them that did believe. See Acts x. 46. chap. xix. 6. 1 Cor. xiv. And some few things we may observe concerning this gift: As, (t.)The especial matter that was expressed by this gift, seems to have been thepraises of God for his wonderful works ofgrace by Christ. Although, I doubt not, but that theapostles were enabled, byvirtue of thisgift, to declare the gospel unto any people unto whom they came in their own language,yet ordinarily theydid not preach nor instruct the peopleby virtue of this gift, but only spake forth the praises of God to the admiration and astonishment of them who were yet strangers to the faith. So, when they first received the gift, theywere heard speaking the wonderfulworks ofGod, Acts ii. I t. And the Gentiles who first believed spake with tongues, andmagnified God, Acts x. 46. (2.) These tongues were so given for a sign unto them that believed not, 1 Cor. xiv. 22. that some- times those that spake with tongues, understood not the sense and meaning of the words delivered by themselves, nor were they understood by the church itself wherein they were uttered, i Cor. xiv. 6, 7, 8', 9, 10, äßc, But this I suppose was only sometimes; and that, it may be, mostly, when this gift was unnecessarilyused. For ldoubt not but the apostles understood full well the things deli- vered by themselves in divers tongues. And all who had this gift, though they might not apprehend the meaning of what themselves spake and uttered, yet were so abso- lutely in theexercise of it under the conduct ofthe Holy Spirit, that they neither did nor could speak any thing by virtue thereof but what was according unto the mind of God, and tended unto his praise, 1 Cor. xiv. 2, 14, 17. (3.) Although this gift were excellent in it- self, and singularly effectual in the propagation of the gospel unto unbelievers, yet, in the assemblies of the church it was of little or no use, but only with respect unto the things themselves that were uttered. For, as to the principal end ofit, to be a sign unto unbelievers,it was finished and accomplished towards them, so as they had no farther need nor use of it. But now, whereas many unbelievers came occasionally into the assemblies of the church, especiallyat some freer seasons, for whose' conviction the Holy Ghost would for a season conti- nue this gift among believers, that the church might not be disadvantaged thereby, he added the other gift here mentioned, namely, the interpretation gf tongues. He endowed either those persons themselves who spake with tongues, or some others in the assembly, with an a- bility to interpret and declare to the church the things that were spoken and uttered in that miraculous man- ner;.which is the last gift here mentioned. But the na- ture, use, and abuse of these gifts is so largely and di- stinctly spokenunto by theapostle, 1 Cor. xiv. that, as I need not insist on them, so I cannot fully do it with- out an entire expositionof that whole chapter, which- the nature of my designwill not permit. CHAP. V. THE ORIGINAL, DURATION, USE, AND END SPIRITUAL GIFTS. Tars summary account doth the apostle give of these extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost which then flou- rished in the church, and were the life of its extraordi- nary ministry. It may be mention may occur of some such gifts under other names, but they are such as may be reduced unto some one of these here expressed. Wherefore this may be admitted as a perfect catalogue of them, and comprehensive of that power from above, which the Lord Christ promised unto his apostles and OF EXTRAORDINARY disciples upon his ascension into heaven, Acts i. 8, For he ascended upfor above all heavens, that he might fill all things, Eph. iv. 10. that is, the church with officers and gifts, unto the perfection of the saints, by the work of the ministry, and the edificationof his body, ver. It. For being as by the right hand of God exalt- " ed, and having receivedof the Father the promiseof " the Holy Ghost, he shed forth, orabundantly poured "out these things whereof we speak," Acts ii. 33,