Owen - BX9315 O81

AND SPTItIT of Christ, and over them, being utterly ignorant of the true nature and use of all gospel-administrations, this is to disorder the church, and in stead of an house of spi- ritual worship, in some instances, to turn-it into a den of thieves. Where hereunto there are moreover annexed earthly revenues, containing all food and fuel of corrupt lusts, with all things satisfactory unto the minds of worldly, sensual men, as a meet reward of these carnal administrations, as it is at this day in the church of Rome, thereall useof the gifts of the Holy Ghost is ex- cluded, and the church is brought into extreme desola- tion. And 'although these things are as contrary to the gospel as darkness to light, yet the world, for many rea- sons, not now to be insisted on, being willing to be de- ceived in this matter, it is generally apprehended that there is nothing so pernicious unto the church, so justly to be watched against, and rooted out, as a dislike of their horrible apostasies in the corrupt depravationof all evangelical administrations. This was not the state, this was not the condition of the primitive churches; their life consisted in the grace of the Spirit, and their glory in his gifts. Noneof their leaders once dreamed of that new kind of beauty, glory, and power, consisting in numberless superstitious ceremonies instead of religious worship; worldly granduer instead of humility and self - denial; and open tyranny over the consciences and per- sons ofmen, in the room ofspiritual authority, effectual in the power of Christ, and by virtue of the gifts of the Holy Ghost. 4. There are many sore divisions at this day in the world, among and between the professors'of Christian religion, both about the doctrineand worship of thegos- pel, as also the discipline thereof: That these divisions are evil in themselves, and the cause of great evils, hin- derances of the gospel, and all the effects thereof in the world, is acknowledged by all; and it is a thing doubt- less to be greatly lamented, that the generality of them who are called Christians, are departed from the great rule of keeping theunity of the Spirit inthe bond ofpeace. He who dotti not pray always, who is not ready with his utmost endeavour to remedy this evil, to removethis great obstruction of the benefit of the gospel, is scarce worthy the name of a Christian. The common way in- sisted on unto this end, is, that thosewho havemost force and power, should set up standards and measuresof a- greement, compelling others by all ways of severity and T UAL GIFTS« r3 violence to a compliance therewith; judging them the highest offenders who shall refuse so to do; because the determining and settling of this matter is committed un- to them. This is the way of Antichrist, and those who fol- low him therein. Others with more moderation and wis- dom, butwith as littlesuccess, do or have endeavoured the reconciliation of the parties at variance, some, more or all of them, by certain middle ways of mutual condescen- sion which they have found out. Some things they blame, and some things they commend in all; some things they would have them do, and some things omit; all for the sake of peace and love. And this design carries with it so fair and pleadable a pretence, that those who are once engaged in it, are apt to think that they, alone; are the true lovers of Christianity in general, the only sober and indifferent persons, fit toumpireall the differences in the world, in a few propositions which they have framed. And so wedded are some wise and holy men unto these- apprehensionsof reconciling Christians by their conceiv- ed methods, that no experience of endless disappoint meets, and of increasing new differences and digladia- tions, offorming newparties, of reviving old animosities,- all which roll in upon them continually, will discourage them in their design. What then, willsome say would you have these divisions and differences that are among as continued and perpetuated, when you acknowledge. them so evil and pernicious? I say, God forbid: yea, we- pray for, and always will endeavour their removal and taking away. But yet this,. I say, on the other hand, whether men will hear, or they will forbear, there is but one way ofeffecting this so blessed and desirable a work, which, until it be engaged in, let men talk what they please of reconciliation, theworst of men will be reviling. and persecuting those who are better than themselves un- to theend of theworld. And this way is, that all churches should endeavour to reduce themselvesunto the primi- tive pattern. Let usall but consider what was the life and spirit of those churches, wherein their honour, glory, and order did consist, making it our joint design to walk in the principle of that grace of the Spirit wherein they walked, in the exercise and use ofthose gifts of the Spi- rit which were the springof, and gave virtue unto all their administrations, renouncing whatever is foreignun- to, and inconsistent with these things, and that grace and unitywill quickly enter intoprofessors, which Christ bath purchased for them.- But these things are here only 39