AND SPIRITUAL curs. 85 13. Secondly, The church being so completed, these out of'a child-like state, accompanied with, (L) Weak- officers are given unto it for the work of the ministry. ness. (2.) Instability And, (3.) Wilfulness. And sad is This expression is comprehensive, and the particulars in- the condition of those churches, which either have such eluded in it are hot in this place to be inquired into. It ministers as will themselves toss them up and down by may suffice unto our present purpose, to consider that it false and pernicious doctrines, or are not able by sound is a work, not a preferment; and a work they shall find instructions to deliver them from such a condition of it, who design to give up a comfortable account of what weakness and instability, as wherein theyare not able to is committed unto them. It is usually observed, that all preserve themselves from being in these things imposed the words whereby the work of the ministry is expressed on by the cunning sleights of men that lie in wait tnde- in-the scripture, do denote a peculiar industrious kind ceive. And as this ministry is always to continue in the of labour ; though some have found out ways of ho- church, ver. 13. so it is the great' means of influencing pour and ease to be signified by them. And, (3.) Both the whole body, and every member of it, into a due dis- these are directed unto one general issue. It is all sr ;.zeds charge of their dntys unto their edification in love, ver. re ralzeenç is, onto the education óf the bode of Christ. Not to insist on the metaphors that are in this expression, the excellency of the ministry is declared in Chat,_ the object of its duty and work is no other but the body of Chria himself; and its' end the edification of this body, or its increase in faith and obedience, in all the graces and gifts of the Spirit, until it unto conformity unto him, anti the enjoyment of him. And a ministry which bath not this object and end, is not of the giving or grant of Christ. I4. The end of the ministry is expressed negatively, or with respect unto the evils which it is ordained for our deliverance front, 'vet., 14. The evil which we are hereby delivered fom, is the danger of being pernici- ously and destructively deceived by false doctrines, er- ras, and heresies, which then began, and have ever since, in all ages, continued to infest the churches of God. These the apostle describes: (f.) From the de- sign of their authors, which is, to deceive. (2.) Their diligence in that design, They lad in wait to accomplish it, (3.) The means they use to compass their end, which ,are, sleights and cunning craftiness, managed sometimes with impetuous violence, and thence called a tried of doctrine. And, (2.) The means hereofis our deliverance 15, 18. 15. Designing to treat of the spiritual gifts bestowed on the ministry of the church, I have thus for diverted into the consideration of the ministry itself, as it is a gilt of Christ, and shall shut it up with a few corollaries: As, (I.) Where there is any office erected in the church, that is not in particular of the gift and institution of Christ, there is a nullity in the whole office, and in all administrations by virtue of it. (2.) Where the office is appointed, but gifts are not communicatedunto the per- son tailed unto it, there is a nullity as to his person, and adisorder in the church. (2.) It is the duty of the church to look on the ministry as an eminent grant of Christ, with valuation, thankfulness, and improvement. (4.) Those who are called unto this offce in due or- der, labour to approve themselvesas a gift of Christ; which it is a shameless impudence for some to own who go under that name. (5.) This they may do in labour ing to be furnished, (1.) With gracious qualifications, (2.) Useful endowments. (3.) Diligence and laborious travail in this work. (4.) By an exemplary conversa- tion; in, 1. Love. 2. Meekness. 3. Self -denial, I. Readiness for the cross, &c. CHAP. VII. OF SPÍRITUAL GIFTS SNARLINGTHE MINISTRY TO THE EXERCISE AND DISCHARGE OF THEIR TRUST AND OFFICE. UNTO the ministry no given unto the church, Ss although I am not thoroughly satisfied what men Will bath been declared, the Holy Ghost gives spiritual gifts grant ór allow in these days, such uncouth and bold enabling them unto the exercise and discharge of the principles are continually advanced among us; yet, Î power, trust, and office committed unto them. Now, suppose, it will not, in wordsat least, be deniedby Many, X gp