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THE DOCTRINE OF Jufrificatidn by Faith Through the IMPUTATION O F THE Righteoufnefs of Chriit, EXPLAINED, CONFIRMED, & VINDICATED. ByYOHN OWEN, D.D. Search the Scriptures, Joh. 5. 39. LONDON, Printed for R. Boulter, at the Turks -head over againft the Royal - Exchange in Corn hill, 167 7.
TO THE READER IShall not need to detain the Reader with an Account of the nature and moment of that Doctrine which k the entirefub- jeet of the enfuingDifcourfe. For although fundryPerfons, even among ourfelves, have various Apprehen(ions concerning it, yet that the knowledge of the Truth therein ii of the highefl Im- portance unto the Souls of men, k on all hands agreed unto. Nor indeed k it poffzble that any man who knows himfelf to be a .(in- ner, and obnoxious thereon to the Judgment of God, but he /,null defire to have f me knowledge of it, as that alone whereby the way of delivery from the evil 'late and condition wherein he finds himfelf, k revealed. There are Iconfef, multitudes in the World, who although they cannot avoid fome general Convictions of fin, as a f of theConfequents of it ; yet do fortife their minds againfl a practical Admiffzon of fuch Conclufions, as in a juß conlidera- tion of things do neceffarily and unavoidably entire thereon. Such Perfons wilfully deluding themfelves with vain hopes and imagi- nations, do never once ferioufly enquire by what way or means they may obtain peace with God and Acceptance before him, which in comparifon of the prefent enjoyment of the pleafitres of fin, they value not at all. And it is in vain to recommend the Doctrine of Ju ification unto them, who neither defre nor endeavour to be jußified. But where any Perfons are really made fen(ible of their Apoflafie from God, of the evil of their natures and lives, with the dreadful confequences that attend thereon in the wrath of God and eternal punifhment due unto fin, they cannot well judge themfelves more concerned in any thin -g, than in the know- ledge of that divine way whereby they may be delivered from this condition. And the minds of filch Per, fens fl and in no need of Arguments to fatisfie them in the Importance of this Doctrine; their own concernment in it is fu fcient to that purpofe. And I' (hall allure them, that in the handling of it fromFrß to laß, I have A 2 had
To the Reader. had no other de(ïgn, but only to enquire diligently into the divine Revelation of that way, anrpthofe means with the eaufes of them, whereby the Confrience of a dire ed (leaser may attain affüred . peace with God through our Lord Mira Chri. I lay more weight on the fleady Direelion of one Soul in this enquiry, than in difap- pointing theObjeilions of twenty wrangling or fiery Difjiuters. The gueftion therefore unto this purpofe being Elated, as the Rea- der will find in the beginning of our Difcourfe, although it were neceffary to f end fume time in the Explication of the Doelrtne it fel , and the terms wherein it is ufually taught,yet the main weight oche whole lies in the Interpretation of Scripture Teflimonies, with the Application of them unto the experience of them who do believe, and the fiate of them who feel afterSalvation by Jefus Chrifi. There are therefore force few things that I would detire the. Reader to take notice of, that he may receive benefit by the enfuing Difcourf ê g at leafs, if it be not his own fault, be freed from prejudices againfi it, or a vain oppo f tion unto it. r. Although there are at prefent various contefis about the Do- Urine of yufiification, and many Books publifhed in the .way of controverfie about it 5 yet this Difcourfe was written with no de- fign to contend with or contradiíl any of what fòrt or opinion f - ever. Some few pafiiges which feensof that tendency, are indeed octagonally inferted. But they are _Inch as every candid Reader willjudge to have been neceffary. I have afribed no Opinion un- to any particular Perfon, much lef wrefted the words of any, re- flecrled on their Perfins, cenfured their Abilities, taken advan- tages of prefur ed prejudices againfi them, reprefented their Opi- nions in the deformed RefleCiions of pained Confequences, fan- cied intended notions which their words do not exprefs, nor candidly interpreted give any countenance unto, or endeavoured the vain p leafure of feeming f ccef in oppoftion unto them, which. With the like efiels of weakneßof mind and di(order of aft- %ions, are the animating principles of many late controver tai Writings. To declare and vindicate the Truth unto the Infiu- elion and. Edification of fuch as love it in fincerity, to extricate their
To the Reader. their minds from thofe difficulties in this particular Inflance, which force endeavour to call on all Gaffe! l myf eries, to dire the Confciences of them that enquire after abiding Peace with God, . and to eflablifh the mincis of them that do believe, are the things I have aimed at. And anEndeavour unto this end, con= l'dering all circurnflances, that Elation which. God bath been pleafèd gracioufly to give me in the Church, bath made necef ary unto me. 2. I have written nothing but what I believe to be true, and ufeful unto the promotion of Gofel Obedience. The Reader may not here expeël an extraction of other mens notions, or a collation and improvement of their Arguments, either by ártifi. dal Reaf Wings, or ornament of Style and Language, but a naked enquiry into the nature of the things treated on, as revealed in the Scripture,and as evidencing themfelves in their power and efficacy on the minds of them that do believe. It k the prailical d ebli- on of the Confciences of men in their application unto God by yefia Chrifl for deliverance from the Curie due unto the Apoflate flate, and Peace with him, with the influence of the way thereof into univerfal Gof el Obedience, that is alone to be deßgned in the handling of this Doctrine. And therefore unto him that would treat of it in a due manner, it is required that he weigh every thing he aferts in his own mind and experience, and not dare to prop ofe that unto others which he cloth not abide by him- fell; in the moll intimate receffes of his mind, under his nearest approaches unto God, in his fiprifals with Dangers, in deep Viet ions, in hispreparations for death, and moll humble Con - templations of the infinite diflance between God and him. Other. Notions and Dif utations about the Doílrine of yufifi ation not feafoned with thefe ingredients, however candited unto the palate of fame by skill and language, are inlipid and ufele f?, im- mediately degenerating into an unprofitable flrife of words. 3. I know that the Doctrine here pleaded for, is charged by many with an unfriendly affleît towards the necelfity of perfonal Flolinej . Good Works, and all Goff el Obedience in general,. yea. utter
To the Reader. utterly to take it away. So it was at the fi'rfl clear Revelation of it by the Apoftle Paul, as he frequently. declares. But it is fuf}ì- cienty evinced by him to be the chief principle of, and motive unto all that Obedience which is accepted with God through Jefus Chrift, as we (hall manifeft afterwards. However it is acknow- ledged that the objective Grace of the Gofpel in the Doctrine of it, is liable to abut, where there is nothing of the fubjective Grace of it in the Hearts of men ; and the ways of its influence into the Life of God, are uncouth unto the Reafonings of carnal minds. So was it charged by the Papifis at the frrft Reformation, and continueth yet fo to be. Yet as it gave the Aft occation unto the Reformation it felf, Jai was it that whereby the Souls of men being fit at liberty from their bondage unto innumerable fuperfti- Lions fears and obférvances, utterly incontinent with true (Gofiel Obedience, and directed into the ways of Peace with God through jefus Chrifi, were made fruitful in real Holinefs, and to abound in all thojé blej /d effects of the Life of God which were never found among their Advertries. The fame charge was afterwards "renewed by the Socinians, and continueth frill to be managed by them. But I fuppofe wife and impartial men will not lay much weight on their Accufations, until they have manifefled the efficacy of their contrary perfwafion by better efjéEts and f slits than yet they have done. What fòrt of men they were who firft coined that fyfieme of Religion which they adhere unto, one who knew them well enough, and fufficiently enclined unto their Antitrinitarian Opinions, declares in one of the Queries that he propofed unto Socinus him /f and his followers. If this faith he, be the truth ja hi ch you contend whence comes it to paß that it is decla- red only by perfons, nulla pietatis commendation, nullo lau- dato prioris vitæ exemplo commendatos ; imo ut plerumq; videmus, per vagabundos, & contentionum zeli carnalis ple- nos hommes, alios ex caíiris, aulis,ganeis, prolatam effe. Scru- pull ab excellenti.viro propofiti,inter oper. Socin. Thefierceft, al arge of loch men againft any Doc`lrines they oppofe as inconti- nent with the necefjary motives unto Godlinefs; are a Recom- mendation
To the Reader. mendation of it unto the minds of confiderative men. And there cannot be a more effectual Engine pliedfor the ruine of Religion, then for men to declame againfi the Doctrine of 5uflifacation by Faith alone, and other Truths concerningíheGrace of our Lord Plus Chrifl; as thole which overthrow the nece ity of moral Du- ties, Good "WVorks, and GoJJelObedience, whil.ft under the con- duct of the Opinions which they embrace in oppolition unto them, they give not the leaft evidence of the power of the Truth, or Grace of thé Gofiel upon their own hearts, or in their lives. Whereas therefore the whole GoIPehis the Truth which is after Godlinefs, declaring and exhibiting that Grace of God which teacheth us to deny all ungodlineß and worldly lu fts, and that we fhould lived berly and righteoufly and godly in this world ; we being fallen into thole times wherein under great and fierce ion tells. about notions, opinions, and ÿraCtices in Religion, there is an horrible decay in trueGoff el Purity and Holinefof lifé amongfl the generality of men, I fball readily grant, that keeping a due regard unto the only ftandard of Truth, a ficondary Trial of Doc rirges propofed and contended for, may and ought to be made by the ways, lives, walkings, and eonverfatïons Of them by whom they are received and profed. And although it is acknowledged that the Doctrine ,pleaded in the enduing difcourfe be liable to be abutd, yea turned into licentioufnef by men of corrupt minds through the prevalency of vitious Habits in them (as is the whole Doctrine of the Grace of God by jefus Chrift and although the way and means of its e ffffzcacy and influence into univerfal Obedi- ence unto God in Righteou(nef?and true Halinefs', be not dif er- nable without dome beam of f iritual Light, nor will give an ex- perience of their power unto the minds of men utterly deflitute of a. principle of kritualLifé ; yet if it cannot preferve its fia tion in the Church by this Rule, of its of ful tendency unto the promotion of Godlinef and its neceffity thereunto, in all them by whom it is really believed and received in its proper light and power, and that in the experience of former and prefent times, Ifhall-be content that it be exploded. 4. Finding
To the Reader. 4. Finding that not a few have of eemed it -compliant with their Interefl, to publifh exceptions again force few leaves, which in the handling of a fubje 1 of another nature I occafonally wrote many years ago on this Subje(t,I am not without Apprehen f ons, that neither the Jame perfonsorothers of alike temper and principles may attempt an oppofition unto what is here expref y tendered thereon. füppo f tion of fisch an Attempt, I fhall in one word let the Au- thors of it know, wherein alone fhall be concerned. For if they fall make it their bufinef to cavil at Expreffions, to wref my words, wiredraw inferences and conclufions from them not ex- prefly owned by me, to revile my pert on, to catch at advantages in any occafional pages, or other uneffntial parts of the Difcourfe, labouring for an Appearance of ftcceffand reputation to themfelves thereby, without a due attendance untoChriflian moderation,can- dor and ingenuity, I f alb take no more . notice, of roh. at they fay or write, then I would do of the greatef impertinencies that can be reported in this world. The fame Ifay concerning oppof- tions of the like nature unto any other writings of mine ; awork which as I hear, fome are at prefent engaged in. I have fomewhat elfe to do than to ca, ft away any part of the final! remainder of my Life in that kind pf controver(ial Writings which good men be- wail, and wife men deride. Whereas therefore the principal' de- gn of this Difcourfe, is to fiate the Doîtrine of yuflífication from the Scripture, and to confirm it by the Tef imonies thereof, (hall not efteem it f oken again, tinier our Expo fition of Scri- pture Teflimonies, and the Application of them unto the _ prefent Argument be dif roved by juft Rules of Interpretation, and ano- ther fénf of them be evinced. All other things which I conceive necef ry to be floken unto, in order unto the right underflanding and clue improvement of the Truth pleaded for, are comprif d and declared in the enfuing general Dif ourf s to that purpofe 5 Theft few things I thought meet to mind the Reader of From my Study, May the 3oth. 1677. .
Confederations previous unto the Explana- tion of the Doúrine of Juftification is'. I. He General Nature of Juftifcation. State of the Perfon to be juf ifed antecedently thereunto. Rom.4. 5. Chap. 3. 19. Chap.'. 32. Ga1.3.io. Joh.3. i8, 36. Gal. 3. 22. Thefole Inquiry on thatflate. Whether it be any thing that is our own inherently , or what 'is only imputed unto tes, that we are to truft unto for our Acceptance with God. The fum of this ,Inquiry. The proper ends of' Teaching and LearningtheDoc rine of fuftificatzán. Things to be avoided therein. Pag. i. O.. , 2. A due confideration of God the fudge ' of all , neceffary unto the right flating and apprehenfion of the Dotirine of 3ufti facation, Rom.8. 33. Ifa.43. 25. 45.23. Pfal. 145.2. Rom. 3. 20. What thoughts will be ingenerated hereby in the minds of Men. Ifai.3 3. 14. Mic.6. 7. Ifa.6.5. The Plea of Job again] his friends, and before God not the fame. Job 4o. 3, 4, 5. Chap. 42. 4; 5, 6. Direïlions for vifiting the fel<given of old. Tefíimonies of Jerome and Ambrofe. Senfe of Men in their Prayers. Dan.9. 7, 18. Pfal.i43.2. 13o. 3, 4. Paraphrafe of A.u[line on that place. Prayer of Pelagius. Public& Liturgies. Pag.8. 4. 3. A due f nfe of our Apofiare from God, the Depravation of our Nature thereby with the ¡ewer and guilt of Sin, the holinefs . of Law, necefary unto à right underftanding of the DoCtrine of luftifeation. Method of the Apoflle to this purpofe, Romans 1,2,3,4. Chap. Grounds of the antient and prefent Pelagianifrn, in the denial of theft things. Inflances thereof .Boalling of Per - a fedion
Pion from the fame Ground. Knowledge of Sin and Grace mutually promote each other. Pag. i 8. 4. 4. Oppo(tion between Works and Grace, as unto Juftiftcation. Method of the Apoftle in the EpiJle to the Romans to maniffes`1 this oppotion. A Scheam of others, contrary thereunto. Teli- monies witneffing this oppo f tion. judgment to be. made on them. Di ftint`lions whereby they are evaded. The ufelefnefs of them. Refòlution of the café in hand by Bellarmine. Luk.17. Io. Dan. 9. 18.. Pag.24. fl Commutation as unto Sin and Righteoufnefs, by Imputation between Chrifi and Believers, reprefented in the Scripture. Thé Ordinance of the Scape Goat.. Levit. 16. 21, 22. The nature of Expiatory Sacrifices. Levit. 4. 29. Expiation of an uncertain Murther. Deut.2 i. i, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7. The Commutation intend- ed, proved, and vindicated. Ifa. 53. 5, 6. 2 Cor.5. 21. Rom. 8.3,4. Ga1.3.13,14. 1 Pet. 1.24. Deut.21. 23. Teflimonies of Juftin Martyr, Gregory Niffen, Aúftine, Chryfoftome, Bernard,, Taulerus, Pighius, to that purpofe. The proper a Pings of Faith with refpeíl thereunto. Rom. 5.11. Matth. i1.2 8. Pfa. 38.4. Gen,4,.13.. Ifa.53.11. Ga1.3.1. Ifa.45.22. Joh.3.. 14, 15. A bold Calumnyanfwered.. Pag..38, 39.. 55. 6. Introduction of Grace by jefus Chr f into the whole of our Relation unto Ged, and its ref ee`l unto all the parts of our Obe- dience. No Myftery of Grace in the Covenant of Work. All Religion originally commenfurate unto Reafon.. No notions of Natural Light concerning the Introdu5lion of the Mediation of Chr, and My3`7ery of Grace into our Relation to God. Eph, r.. 17, 18, 19. Reafon as corrupted can have no notions o f Religi- on, but what are derived from its primitiveflare. Hence the My' pries cf the Gofp'el elleemedfolly. Reafon as corrupted, re- pugnan
pugnant unto the Myfery of Grace. Accommodation of Spiritual Myf ernes unto Corrupt Reafon, wherefore acceptable unto many. Reaföns of it.Two parts of corrupted Natures repugnancy unto the Mys`lery of the Gofpel. (i.) That which would reduce it unto the private ,Reafon of Men. Thence the Trinity denied: And the Incarnation of the Son of God. Without which the Doctrine of 7u.fiification cannot f and. Rule of the Socinians in the In- terpretation of the Scripture. (2.), 'Want ofa due comprehen- (ion of the Harmony that is between all the parts of the Myfl ery of Grace. This Harmoíny proved. Compared with the Harmony in the Works of Nature. To be f udied. But is learned only of them who are taught of God 5 and in experience. Evil events of the want of a due comprehenfien hereof. 1i/fiances of them. .411 appliedunto the Doctrine of Y- irfifcation. .Pag. 53. General prejudices againfl the Imputation of the Righteoufnef of Chr f. (i.) That it is not in Terms found in the Scripture, anfwered. (2.) That nothing is fluid of it in the writings of the Evangeli s, anfwered. f oh. 2p. 3o, 31. Nature of Ch. rifls Perfonal Minif ery. Revelations by the holy Spirit immediately from Chr ?. De%gnof the .writings of theEvangel s. (3,) Dif- ferences among Protef ants themfelves about this Doltrine, an- fwered. Senfe of the Antients herein. What is of real Difference among Protef ants, confidered. Pag. 69. 4.8. Influence of the DoCrine of yksli, f cation into the frrf Re- formation. Advantages unto the World by that Reformation. State of the Confidences of Men under the Papacy, with re peC unto jailifcation before God. Alterations made therein by the Light of this DoCrine, though not received. Alterations in the Pagan unbelieving World, by the IntroduÉlion of Chriliarrity. Defign and fuccefs of the firli Reformer herein. Attempts for Reconciliation with sthe Papi.j`s in this DoCrine, and their a 2 fuCCeff.
fuecefs. Remainders of the Ignorance of the Truth in the Ro- man Church. Zlnavoidable confequences of the corruption of this Doeirine. Pag.83. CHAP. I. JVftat1on by Faith generally acknowledged. The meaning of it perverted. The nature and ufe of Faith in jusliftcation propofed to confideration. Diftinïtions about át,. waved. A two- fold Faith of the Gof el expreffed in the Scripture. Faith that is not juflifying. A &s 8. 13. Joh.2. 23, 24. Luk.8.13. Matth. 22. 28. Historical Faith, whence it is f called, and the nature of it. Degrees of Aff ênt in it. Juftif ation not áfcribed unto any egrec of it. A Calumny obviated. The caufes of true faving Faith. Convillion óf Sin previous unto it. The nature of legal Conviaion, and its Elias. Arguments to prove it antecedent unto Faith. Without the conuideration of it, the trite nature of Faith not to beunderslood. TheOrder and. Relation of the Law and Goffiel. Rom. 1. 17. Instance of Adam. Effects of Con - viclion, internal; Difplicency and forrow. Fear of punifhment. Defire of Deliverance. External; Abflinence from Sin: Per- formance of Duties 5 Reformation of Life. Not conditions of itf iftcation 5 not Formal Difpó/7tions unto it 5 not Moral Pre- parations for it. The Order of God in yuftification. The proper object o f juftifying Faith. Not all Divine V rity equal y 5 proved by fundry Arguments. The. pardon of our own fins, whether the fill object of Faith. The Lord Chri(t in the Work. of Mediation, as the Ordinance of God for the Recovery of loft Sinners, the proper object of jullifying Faith. The Pofiticn explained and proved. Rom.3. 24, 2.5. Fphef. I. 6,7J3. 'Ads Do. 41. Chap. L6. r3.. Chap. 4. 12. Luk. 24..25, 26,.27. Jots I. 12. 3. 16, 36. 6. 2 y. 7. 38, &c. Col. 2. 12. I Cor. 2. i, 31... Cor. 5. 19, 2O 2I. Pag92, 93,,&Ç.. CHAP:.
CHAP. II. The nature of jellifying Faith in particular 5 or of Faith in . that exercifè ofit, whereby we are jullif ed. The Hearts approba- tion of the way of the Ju.tification , and Salvation of Sinners by Chrill, with its acquiefcency therein. The clefiription given, explained, and confirmed. (r.) From the nature of the Gofpel. (2.) Exemplified in its contrary, or the nature of unbelief. Prov. I. 3o. Heb.2.3. I Pet. 2.7: I Cor.I. 23, 24. 2 Cor. 4. 3, 4. What it is, and wherein it doth con /fl. (3.) The Delign of God, in, and by the Gofpel. His own Glory, his utmo i`l Pia in all things. The Glory of his Righteoufnef , Grace, Love, Wifdom, &c. The end of God in the Way of the Salvation of Sinners by Chrii. Rom.3.25. Joh.3.1 6. I Joh3.16. Eph.r.5,6. I Cor.r. 24. Ephef.3 ro. Rom.i. 16. 4.16. Ephef.3.9. 2 Cor.4. 6. The nature of Faith thence declared. Faith alone afcribes and gives this glory to God. Order of the Avis of Faith, or the me- thod in believing. Convielions previous thereunto. Sincere af- fnt unto all Divine Revelations, Alts 26. 2 7. The Propofal of' the Gofpel unto that end, Rom. I o. I I, 12,13, . &C. 2 Cor.3. ì 8. State of Pérfons called to believe. yus`lifying Faith cloth not conlïll in any one jingle habit or ail of the Mind or Will:' The nature of that afnt which is the firfi At of Faith. Appro- bation of the Way of Salvation by Chri , conmíprehen(ve of the fpecial nature of jig-lifting Faith. What is includid therein. (1.) A Renuntiation of all other ways. Hof 14. 2, 3. Jer.3. 23. Pfal. 7. 16. Rom. I o. 3. ( 2.) Confnt of the Will unto this Way, Joh. 14. 6. (3.) Acquiefcenìy of the Heart in God. I Pet. I. 21. Trull in God. Faith clefcribed by Trull, the Rea- fon of it. Nature and Objc f of this Trull inquired` into. A double conlideration of/pedal Mercy. Whether Obedience be in- cluded in-the nature of Faith. or be of the etnce of it. A lin- cere purpor of niverfil Obedience infeparable from Fáith. How Faith alone jus`lifíeth. Repentance, how required in, and unto>
unto yuf ification. How a condition of the New Covenant. Per - feverance in Obedience, is fo alfo. Definitions of Faith. Pag. 125. CHAP. III. of Faith in yuf ifcation ; various Conceptions about it. By whomarted, as the Infirument of it, by whom denied. In what fenfe it is affirmed fò to be. The expreffions of the Scri- pture, concerning the ufe of Faith in uflification, what they are ; and how they are bell explained. By an Inflrumental Caufe. Faith, how the Infirument of God in luflification. How the Infirument of them that do believe. The ufe of Faith expreffed in the Scripture, by apprehending, receiving ; declared by an In- firument. Faith in what fenfe the condition of our luilifica- tion. Signification of that Term whence to be Learned. Pag. 146. CHAP. I V. The proper fenfe of theft words, Ju. lifacation and ifae; conf dered. Necety thereof. Latine derivation o i cati- on. Some of . the Antients deceived by it. From Jus, and Juftum ; Jutlus filius, who. The Hebrew pm n. Z fe and ignification of it. Places where it is ufed, examined. 2 Sam.i g. 4. Deut. 21. 5. Prov. 17. i5. Ifa. 5. 23. Chap. 5 0 i King.8. 3i, 32. 2 Chro. 6.22, 23. Pfal.82. 3. Exod.23.7. Ifa. 53. ". Jere. 44.16. Dan. 12. 3. The conf ant fenfe of the word, evinced. .piYy,bw, Vie' of it in other Authors; to punifh. What it is in the New Teftament, Matth. i i. 19. Chap.]. 2. 37. Luk.7.29. Chap.' o. 29. Chap.' 6. 15. Chap.' 8. 14. A &s 13. 38, 39. Rom.2. 13. Chap.3. 4. Conflantly ufed in a forenfickfenfe. Places feemingdubious, vindicated. Rom.8. 3o. I Cór.6. i i. Tit.3. 5, 6, 7. Revel. 22. II. How often theft words d`0,,vtr and Piko.166E w, are ufed in the New Teftament. Con Slant
Coal ant fenfe of this. The fame evinced, from what is oppofed unto it, Ifa. 50.8. Prov, i 7. i5. Rom.5. 16, 18. Rom.8. 33, 34 And the Declaration of it in Terms equivalent. Rom. 4. 6, 7. Rom.5.9, Io. 2 Cor.5. 20, 21. Matth.I. 21. A &s i 3. 39. Gal.2. 16, &c. Juflifrcation in the Scripture, propofed under a juridical Scheam, and of a foren [ic(Title. The Parts and Pro grefs of it. Inflances from the Whole. Pag.169. &c. CHAP. V. Diflinetion of a Firs', and Second yuffification. The whole Doc?rine of the Roman Church concerning Jus',ifieation ground- ed on thisDifiinelion. The Fir.', Juftification, the nature and caufes of it according unto the Romanifts. The Second Juili- fication, what it is in their fenfe. Solution of the feeming Dif- ference between Paul and James, falfly pretended by this Dì- f incion. The fame Disiinc`iion received by the Socinians, and others. The latter termed by fame, the continuation of our julii- frcation. The Diinition dif roved. Juflifration con/idered, . either as unto- its Effénce, or its Manifefiation. The Mani fella- tion of it twofold, initial and final. Initial is either unto our [eelves, or others. No Second juilifrcation hence infix!. ju.fii- featinn before God, Legal and' Evangelical. Their dif inct na- tures. The Difintlion mentioned, derogatory to the Merit of Chri i. More in it afcribed unto our felves, then unto the Blood of hrifl, in our juflification. The vanity of Di fputations to this purpofi. All true Juflification, overthrown by this Diflincii- on. No countenance given unto this yuf1ification in the Scri- pture. The Second 7uflification not intended by the Apoftle James. Evil of Arbitrary Diflin5lions. Our Firfi jus',ification fo defcribecl in the Scripture, as to leave no room for a Second. Of the Continuation of our juilifacation : Whether it depend on Faith alone, or our Perf nal Righteoufne f inquired. yu li -. fication at once compleated in all the Caufes and Effec',s of it, proved' kialsesmoted
proved at large. Believers upon their yuflifi'cation, obliged unto perfect Obedience. The commanding Power of the Law con - ftitutes the nature of Sin in them , who are not obnoxious unto its curfè. Future Sins, in what f nfe remitted at our Firs` aifréation. The Continuation of Actual Pardon, and there- by of ajuftifted Eftate, on what it doth depend. Continuation of :uftification, the act of God ; whereon it depends in that fenfe. On our part it depends on Faith alone.- Nothing required here -' unto, but the Application of Righteoufnefs' imputed. The. Con- tinuation of cur Juftijcation is before God. That whereon the Continuation 'of our juftification depends, pleadable before God. This not our Perfonal Obedience proved. (I.) By the experi- ence of all Believers. (2.) Teflimonies of Scripture. (3.) Ex- amples. The D findionmentioned rejected. Pag.189. CHAP. VI. Evangelical Perfonal Righteoufne , the nature and ufe of it. Whether there be Evangelical lufhfication on our Evangelical Righteoufnefs inquired into. How this is by force affirmed and applauded. Evangelical Perfonal Righteoufnefs afférted as the condition ofour Legal Righteoufne.?, or the Pardon of Sin. O- pinion of the Socinians. Perfonal Righteoufnef required in the Qofpel. Believers hence denominated Righteous. Not with re- ;p ect unto Righteoufnef habitual, but actual only. Inherent Righteoufnefs thefame with.Sanctification or Holinef . In what fenfe we may be Paid to be juftifed by Inherent Righteoufnef No Evangelical 7uJtifi'cation on our Perfonal Righteoufnefs. The. Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift doth not depend there - on. None have this Righteoufnefs, but they are antecedently juftified. A charge before God, in all juftifeation before God. The Infirument of this charge 5 the Law or the Gofpel. From neither of them can we be jullif ed by this Perfonal Righteouj vet.. The 5u.sliftéation pretended needlefs and ufelef. . It hat h
not the nature of any Juf ifz'cation mentioned in the Scripture ; but is contrary to all that is fo called. Other Arguments to the , fame purpofe. Sentential yn. lifreation at the laß day. Nature of the laß judgment. Who (hall be then juf ifed. A Declaration of Righteoufnefs, and an ACtual Admiffion unto Glory, the whole of jufifi'cation at the laß day. The Argument that we are jußi- fled in this life, in the fame manner, and on the fame Grounds as we f all be judged at the laß day, that Judgment being accord- ing unto Works, anfwered ; and the Impertinency of it declared. Pag.2ia. CHAP. VII: Imputation, and the nature of it. The fi'rf exprefs Record of Juflification, determineth it to be by Imputation. Gen. 15. 6. Reaf ns of it. The DoF rine of Imputation cleared by Paul ; the occalion of it. Maligned and oppofed by many. Weight of the .Doc`trine concerning Imputation of Righteoufnefs on all hands acknowledged. Judgment of the Reformed Churches herein, particularly of the Church of England. By whom oppo- fed, and on what Grounds. Signification of the Word. Differ- ence between reputare and imputare. Imputation of two Binds. s.) Of what was ours antecedently unto that Imputation, whether good or evil. Inßances in both kinds. Nature of this Imputation. The thing imputed by it, imputed for what it is, and nothing elfe. ( 2.) Of what is not ours antecedently un- to that Imputation, but is made fo by it. General nature of this Imputation. Notjudging of others to have done what they have not done. Several dißinFt Grounds and Rcaf ns of this Impu- tation. (I.) Ex Juflitia; (I.) Propter Relationem faede- ralem. (2.) Propter Relationem Naturalem. (2.) Ex voluntaria fponfione. Inßances, Philem, I .Gen. 43. 9.Yolun- tary fpon (ion, the Ground of the Imputation of Sin to Christ. ( 3.) Ex injuria. r King. 1. 21. (4.) Ex mera Gratia. b Rom.
Roni. 4. Difference between the Imputation of any Works of ours, and of the Righteoufnef of God. Imputation of Inherent Righteoufnef, is Ex Juftitia. Inconu%flency of it, with that which is Ex mera Gratia. Rom. r i. 6. .Agreement of both kinds of Imputation. The true nature of f the Imputation of Righteoufnefs unto yuflification, explained. imputed of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift. The thing it felf , not efjétlof it ; proved againfl the Socinians. Pag. 226. CHAP. VIII. Imputation of Sin unto Chrifl. Teflimonies of the Antients unto that purpofe. Chrft and the Church, one Myflical Perfon. Miflakes about that State and Relation. Grounds and Rea - fons of the Union, that is the foundation of this Imputation. Chrifl the Surety of the New Covenant 3 in what fenfe, unto what ends. Heb. 7.22. opened. Makes about the Caufes, and Ends of the Death of Chri fi. The New Covenant in What a fenfe alone procured and purchafed thereby. Inquiry whether the Guilt of our fins, was imputed unto Chrifi. The meaningof the words, Guilt and Guilty. The Di, flintlion of Reatus culpa and Reatus pænæ, examined. Aa of God in the Imputation of the Guilt of our Sins unto Chrill. Objet` lions againfl it, anfwered. The Truth confirmed. Pag. 246. CHAP. IX. Principal ControverTes about 7i111ifréation. (r.) Concerning the nature of yuflifacátion, flated. (2.) Of the Formal Càufe of it. (3.) Of the Way whereby we are made partakers of the Benefits of the Mediation of Chris' I. What intended by the Formal Cauf of 7ullifa :cation, declared. TheRighteoufnefs on. the account whereof Believers are jurfifzed before God, alone, inquired after under thole Terms. This the Righteoufnef of Chrij4
Chrifl, imputed Onto them. Occafions of Exceptions and Ob- jeelions again this Doe nine. General Objections examined. Imputation of the Righteoufnefi of Chrifi ; conf1ent with the Free Pardon of Sin, with the necety of Evangelical Repent- ance. Method of Gods Grace in our Juflification. Neceffity of Faith unto yuflifîcation, on fuppoftion of the Imputation of the Righteoufnefi of Chr fi. Grounds of that Necepy. Other Ob- jec`tions arifing moflly from miflaltes of the Truth, alerted, dif- cufd and anfwered. Pag. 289. CHAP. X. Arguments for Juflification by the Imputation of the Righte- oufnef of Chrifl. Our own Perfonal Righteoufneß, not that on the account whereof we are juflified in the fight of God. Dif claimed in the Scripture, as to any filch end. The truth and reality of it granted. Manifold Imperfections accompanying it, rendering it unmeet to be a Righteoufneß unto the Jufliffca- tionof Life. Pag. 315. CHAP. X I. Nature of the Obedience or Righteoufnefi required unto 7u i- Ration. Original and Caul s of the Law of Creation. The Sub- fiance and End of that Law. The Immutability or unchange- ablenep of it, confidered abfolutely ; and as it was the Infirm- ment of the Covenant between God and Man. Arguments to prove it unchangeable ; and its Obligation unto the Righteouf- nef?firfl required, perpetually in force. Therefore not abrogated, not difenfed withal, not derogated from, but accomplifb ed. This alone by Chrifl, and the Imputation of his Righteoufney unto of. Pag. 340. b z CHAP.
CHAP. XII, Imputation of the Obedience of Chrifi, no left necef ry then that of his fufjering on the fame Ground. ObjeElions againfi it. i. That it is impojJìble. Management hereof by Socinus. Ground of this Objection, That the Lord Chrifi was for himfe f obliged unto all the Obedience he yielded unto God, and performed it for himfelf, anfwered. The Obedience inquired after, the Obedi- ence of the Perfon of Chrifi the Son of God. In his whole Perfon, Chrifi was not under the Law. He defign`ed the Obe- dience he performed, for us not for himfelf. This Aîlual Obedi- ence not necejry as a qualifrcation.of his Perfon, unto the dif charge of his Office. The Foundation of this Obedience in his being made Man,and of the Pofierity of Abraham,notfor himfelf, but for us. Right of the Humane Nature unto Glory, by virtue of Anion. Obedience neceffary unto the Humane Nature, as thrift in it was made under the Law. This Obedient: properly for us. Infiances of that nature among Men. Chrifi obeyed as a public(Perfon ; and fo not for himfelf. Humane Nature of Chrifi fubjeli unto the Law, as an Eternal Rule of dependance on God, andfubjellion to him ; ,not as prefcribed unto us whilefi we are in this World in order unto our future Blegednef; or Reward. Second'Obje&lion, that it is of left, anfwered. He that is pardoned all his fins, is not thereon of e_emed to have done all that is required of him. Not to be unrighteous, Negative y ; not the fame with being righteous, Po(itively. The Lam obligeth both unto punifhmeat and obedience ; h. om, and in whatfenfe. Pardon of Sin gives no title to Eternal Life. The Righteoufne of Chrifi who is one, imputed unto many. Arguments proving the Imputation of the Obedience of Chrig, unto the Jufiifrcation of Life. Pag. 361. CHAP.
CHAP. XIII. The Difrence between the two Covenants, f ated. Arguments from thence. Pag. 396. CHAP. XIV. All Works whatever exprefly excluded from anyinterfi in our yuf ification before God. What intended by the Works of the Law. Not thofe of the Ceremonial Law only. Not perfeí.t Works only, as required by the Law of our Creation. Not the outward Works of the Law performed without a principle of Faith. Not Works of the yerrifb Law. Not Works with a conceit of Merit. Not Works only wrought before believing in the frength of our own wills. Works excluded abf lately from our Juf ification without re fkeEt unto a Ditinriion of a Firf and Second yuf ß. cation. The true fenfe of the Law in the Apo/olical Afrtion, that none are jufbified by the Works thereof. What the Jews u. nderf ood by the Law. D f ribution of the Law under the Old Teftament. The whole Lain a perfect Rule of all Inherent Mo- ral or Spiritual Obedience. What are the Works of the Law, declared from the Scripture, and the Argument thereby confirmed. The nature of yuf ifying Faith further declared. Pag. 400. CHAP. XV. Of Faith alone. CHAP. XVI. 7ef monies of Scripture con firming the Doctrine of yuf iîca- tion. by the Imputation of the Rightefnef of Chrifb. Jere.23. 6. Explained and vindicated. Pag.4 t 9. CHAP. XVII. Teflimonies out of the Evangeli fbs, con lidered. Deign of our Saviours Sermon on the Mount. The purity and penalty of the Law,
Law, vindicated by him. Arguments fray/ thence. Luk. 18. 9, To, 11,12,13. The Parable of the Pharif e and Publican ex- plained and applied to theprefent Argument. Teftimonies out of the Goff el by John, Chap.3. i 4,15,16,17, 18, en. Pag.42 5 . CHAP. XVIII. Testimonies out of the Epiftles of Paul, the Apofile. His de- ign in the Fifth Chapter to the Romans. That Defign explained at large and applied to the prefent Argument. Chap. 3. 24, 25, 26. explained, and the true fenfe of the words vindicated. The Caufes of yuftiJlcation enumerated. Apoftolical Inferences from the confderation of them. Chap. 4. Deign of the Difutation of the Apofile therein. Analyfis of his Difiourfi. Ver. 4, 5. particularly infifled on, their truefenfe vindicated. What Works excluded from the :uftifl'oation of Abraham. Who it is, that worlteth not. In what fenfe the ungodly are juftifed. All Men ungodly antecedently unto their yu.flification. Faith alone the means of yuftification on our part. Faith it felf abfolutely con - fidered, not the Righteoufnefr that is imputed unto us. Proved by fundry Arguments. Pag. 431. Chap. 5. Ver.12,13,14,15,16,17,18. Boafting excluded in our felves, arted in God. The deign and fum of the Apofiles Argument. Objethon of Socinus re- moved. Comparifon between the two Adams, and thof that de- rive from them. Sin entered into the World. What Sin in- tended. Death, what it comprifeth. What intended by it. The fenfe of thole words in as much, or in whom allhavefnned, clear- ed and vindicated. The various oppofitions ufed by the Apofile in this Difcourf . Principally between Sin or the Fall, and the Free Gift. Between the difobedience of the one, and the obe- dience of another. Yudgment on the one hand, and 7uftification unto
unto Life on the other. The whole Context at large, explained, and the Argument for 7u ifzcation by the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs Cbri Ft, fully confirmed.P.464. Chap.' o. V.34. explained, and inlirled on to the fame purpofe. Pag. 489. s Cor.i. 3o. Ghrifl, how of God made Righteoufnefi unto us. Anfwer of Bellarmine unto this Teflimony, removed. That of Socinus, di f- proved.True fenfe of the words evinced. P.497. 2 Cor.5.2 I. In what fenfe Chrifl knew no (in. Empha is in that expreffion. How he was made Sin for us. By the Imputation of Sin unto hire. Miflakes of force about this expreffìon. Sen(e of the Antients. Exception of Bellarmine unto this Teilimony, anfwered.; with other Reafonings of his to the fame purpofe.P. 502. The Exceptions of others alto removed. Gal. 2.16. Pag. 513. Ephef.2. 8, 9, I o. Ephef. 2. 8, 9, Io. Evidence of this Teffemony. Delign of the Apoflle from the beginning of the Chapter. Method of the Apo file in the Declaration of the Grace of God. Grace alone the caufe of Deliverance from a State of Sin. Things to be ob- ferved in the Agnation of the Caufes of Spiritual Deliverance. Grace, how magnifedbyhim. Force of the Argument, and evi- dence from thence. State of the Cafe here propofed by the Apofile. General determination of it. By Graceye are faxed. What it is to be faxed, inquired into. Thefame as to be jufli ed, but not exclulively. The caufes of our Juflif cation, declared Pofitively and Negatively. The whole fecured unto the Grace of God by Chri and our Interefl therein through Faith alone. Works ex- cluded. What Works ? Not Works of the Law of Motes. Not Works antecedent unto believing. Works of true Believers. Not only in oppotion to the Grace of God, but to Faith in us. Argu- ment from thofe words.Reafon whereon this exclufion of Works is founded. To exclude Boalling on our part. Boa iling wherein it conr f ls.
confisls. Infeparable from the Intere of Works in juflification. Danger ofit. Conf rmation of this Reaf n obviating an Objection. The ObjeilionRated. If we be not jig-Wed of what ufe are they, anfwered. Pag. 516. Phil. 3. 8, 9. Heads of Argument from thisTe,ftimony. De(lgn of the Con- text. Righteoufne fP the Foundation of Acceptance with God. A twofold Righteoufneß conßdered by the Apoftle. Oppo(ite unto one another, as unto the efiecial end inquired after. Which of thefe he adhered unto, his own Righteoufneß or the Righteoufneß of God ; declared by the Apoftle with vehemency of fpeech..Rea- fins of his earne.flneßherein. The turning point whereon he left judaifm. The oppofition made unto this Doctrine by the Jews. The weight of the Doctrine and unwillingneß of Men to receive it. His own fenfe of Sin and Grace. Peculiar exprefons ufed in this place, for the Reafons mentioned, concerning Chrift. Con- cerning all things that are our own. The choice to be made on the Cafe Rated , whether we will adhere unto our ow.n Righteoufne , or that of Chrifis, which are incon(Rent as to the end of Ju ti fi'eation. Argument from this place. Exceptions unto this Tefti- mony, and Argument from thence, removed. Our Perfanal Righ- teoufnefs Inherent, the fame with refjiec unto the Law and Goffel. External Righteoufneß only required by the Law, an impious Imagination. Works wrought before Faith only rejeïled. The Exception removed. Righteoufneß before Conver (ion, not in- tended by the Apoftle. Pag. 256. CHAP. XIX. , Objections again, ft the DoClrine of yullification by the. Impu- tation of the Righteoufnefs' of Chrift. Nature of thefe Objections. Difficulty in difcerning aright the fenfe of fome .Men, in this ,Argument. jusiification by Works, the end of all declen(ion from
the Righteoufnefs of Chrifl. Objections again /I this Doctrine derived from a fuppofition thereof alone. Firfl principalObjeF.ti- on ; Imputed Righteoufnefs overthrows the necef f ty of an holy Life. This Objection as managed by them of the Church of Rome, an open calumny. How inf fled on by fo'me among our Delves. Socinus f ercenef in this charge. His foul difhonef y therein. Fa f "charges on Mens opinions, making way for the raft con - demnation of their perfons. Iniquity of filch cenfures. The Oh- jettion rightly flated. Sufficiently anfwered in the previom Dif- courfes about the nature of Faith, and force of the Moral Law. The nature and necefty of Evangelical Holinef elfwhere plead- ed. Particular anfwers unto this ObjeCtion. All who pro f fr this Dottrine do not exemplifié it in their lives. The moll holy Truths have been abufed. None by whom this Dotrine is now denied, exceed them in holinefs , by whom it was formerly pre- fend , and the power of it attefied. The contrary Doctrine not fuccefsful in the Reformation of the lives of Men. The befl way to determine this difference. The fame ObjeCtionmanaged againfl the Dot rive o f the Apoflle in his own days. Efcacious pre- judices again this Doctrine in the minds of Men. The whole Doctrine of the Apofile liable to be abufed. Anfwers of the Apo- file unto this ObjeCtion. He never once attempts to anfwer it, by declaring the necefJty of Perfonal Righteoufnefs, or good Works unto juftification before God. He confines the cogency of Evan- gelical Motives unto Obedience only unto Believers. Grounds of Evangelical Holinef alerted by him in compliance with his Doctrine of yuf lifiration. -(I.) Divine Ordination. Excepti- ons unto this Ground, removed. (2.) Anfwer of the Apofile vindicated. The Obligation of the Law unto Obedience. Na- ture of it, and conffiency with Grace. This Anfwer of the Apo- file vindicated. Heads of other Principles that might be pleadecl to the fame purpofe. Pag. 539. c CHAP.
C °HAP. X X.: Seeming Diffirence, no real contradWion between the Apof ld Paul and James, concerning yufification. This granted by all Reafons of the feeming Diference. The bell Rule of the Inter- ._ pretation of places of Scripture, wherein there is an appearing repugnancy. The Doelrine of Jufification according unto that Rule principally to be learned from the Writings of Paul. The Reafons- of his fakes' and accuracy . in the teaching of that Dollrne, The Importance of the Truth 3 the oppoftion made unto it; and abut of it. The deignof the Apofile James. Ex. ceptions of force. againit the Writings of S. Paul, fcandaloNs and unreafonable. Not in. this matter to be interpreted by the page in James inff ed on, Chap. 2. That there is no repugnancy between the Dolrine of the two Apostles demon.flrated. ' Heads and Grounds of the Demonf ration. Their fi ope deign, and end not thefame. That of Paul the only cafe fated and deter- mined by him. The deigns of the Apef le James ; the cafe pro- poled by him quite of another nature. The occalion of the cafe, propofed and fiated by him. No appearance of difference .between the Apo_ f les, becaufe;of the fiveral cafes they fieakunto. Not the fame Faith intended by them. Defsription of the Faith fioken of by the one, and the other. Bellarmines Arguments to prove true ejuf i fying Faith to be intended by James,'anfzrered. yu, bfiëation not treated of by the Ap-of les in the fame manner , nor tiled in thefaute fente, nor to the fame end. The one treats of Jufifi- cation, as unto its nature and caufes ; the other as unto its 1/gns and evidence, proved by the inf ances inif ed on, Pag. 557. 1-14 .-the Scripture- was fulfilled _that Abraham -believed in. God, and it;; as counted .unto him for Righteoufne f; when be offere4 his Sen, on,theAltar Wok the fame, and of the fame kjnd..
kind in both the Apoflles. Obfervations on the Difeourfe of James. No Conjunction made by him between Faith and Works in our Ju, f iftcation, but an oppoftion. No diiinílion of a Fire and Second juf ification in him. yuf ifeation afiribed by him wholly unto Works, in what fenfe. Does not determine how a )(inner may be jufifed before God ; but how a ProfeJr may evi- dence himfeif fo to be. The Context opened from Ver.I4.; to the end of the Chapter. Pag. 569. Some
Some of the Mifakes that have efcaped in the prefs may be thus correlted. PAg. ro. Line 2. a fine,- read other, p. r. 1.24. none, r. nothing, p. 41. 1.3o. r. j vg.xv,kct, 1.33. acpu.9ñ,' p.42.1. 22. r. p. 93.1.6. r. this Author, 1. 25. man, r. men, 1. 26. them, p. 64.1.4. a fine,that it is, p.71.1.21. and r. add, p.72.1. 12.1. For an,p.172.1.17. for roil r. 113¡x, 1. 28. Hithpaol, p.174.1.8. = "W1731, p. 175.1. ro :11P0.20. 37V71,1. 24. Vt11,1. 28. rirr, p.176.1.3. P1CY3, 1. 8. ''1471, I. 9. =tin, 1.4. a fne, vg.7u.d`v tto-cu, xoX ticu, 1. 344 fine, affects, p. 180. 1. 22. vocation that is intended, p.199. l.r. which was, r. whereas, p. 208. a34 fetch, r. Faith, p. 234. 1.2. dele 131í.a, p.266.1.8. curcellaros, p.283.1.23. (uffered r. offered, p. 311.1.3o. of him, p 362. 1.1r. r. as if we, p.392.1.20. r. more colour, p.412.1. 7. (= iß"131, p. 436. 1.2. a fine, r. other men, p.444. 1.1o. proofs, r. proceß, P..465.1. s. uítti.0 Sundry other literal Mifakes and Mifpointings are referred unto the candor of the Reader ; which I chufe rather than to trouble -many with the rehearfal of what it may be, few will take notice of. Genetal
general Confiderdtions previoufly necefary t' unto the Explanation of the VoEtrine of Juí1i_ fication. THat we may treat of the Doctrine of Jut ificatian ufèfully unto its proper Ends, which are the Glory of God in Chrift, with the peace and furtherance of the Obedience of Believers, fòme things are`pre- vioiífly to be confidered,, which we muff have refpe6t unto in the whole procefs of our Difcourfe. And among others that might be infifted on to the fame purpofe, thefe that enfue are not to be omitted. i. The firft Enquiry in this matter in a way of Duty, is after the proper Relief of the Confèience of a firer, preffed and perplexed with a fence of the Guilt of fin. For Juflifi- cation is the way and means whereby fuch a perfon doth ob- tain acceptance before God, with a Right and Title unto an heavenly Inheritance. And nothing is pleadable in this caufe, but what a man would !peak unto his own Confèience in that ftate, or unto the Confèience of another, when he is anxious under that Enquiry. Wherefore, The Perfon under confi- deration, that is, who is to be Juftified, is one who in him - felf is áasgh Rom. q.. 5. Ungodly ; and thereon ïzrodintos 74 o.a ; Chap. 3. i 9. guilty before God ; that is, obnoxious, fubje&, liable dN.vi T1 e, Chap. z. 32 ; to the righteous fen - tential Judgment of God ; that he who committeth (in, who is in any way guilty of it, is worthy o f' Death. Hereupon fuch $ aper-
2 General Con, federations previoufly necefary a perfon finds himfelf kg 69.v Gal. 3. io ; under the curfe, and the wrath of God therein abiding on him, yoh. 3. -1 8, 36. In this condition he is áva,,-or6y111- 6- ; without plea, without excufe, by any thing in and from himfelf, for his own relief; His mouth is flopped, Rom. 3. 19. For he is in the Judgment of God declared ini the Scripture ovro,n0as cp' ct,uagzíav 5 Gal, 3. 22 , every way fha't up under fin and all the confequents of it. iany Evils in this condition are men fubject unto, which may be reduced unto thofe two of our firft Parents wherein they were reprefented. For firft, they thought fool- ifhly to hide themfelves from God ; and then more foolifhly would have charged him as the caufe of their fin. And fùch naturally are the thoughts of men under their convictions. But whoever is the fubjeCt of the juflificatùon enquired after, is ,b various means brought into his Apprehenfions, who cryed, Sirs ! What muff I do to be faved? 2. With refpeét unto this Bate and condition of men, or men in this ftate and condition, the enquiry is, What that is upon the account whereof, God pardoneth all their (ins, receiveth . them into his avow-, declareth or pronouneeth them Righteous, and acquitter from all Guilt, removes the Curfe, and turneth away all his wrath from them, giving them Right and Title unto a bled Immortality or life Eternal. This is that alone where- in the Confciences of finners in this eftate are concerned. Nor do they enquire after any thing, but what they may have to oppofe unto, or anfwer the Juftice of God in the commands and curie of the Law,- and what they may betake themfelves . unto, for the obtaining of Acceptance with him unto life and falvation. That the Apoftle doth thus and no otherwife ftate this whole matter, and in an Aníwer unto this Enquiry, declare the nature of Juftification and all the caufes of it, in the third and fourth Chapters of the Epifllé to the Romans, and elfwhere, tall ,.be afterwards declared and proved.. And we íhall alto maní -.
to the Explanation of the Dotrine, &c. 3 manifeft that the Apcflle James in the fecond Chapter of his Epifile, loth not fpeak unto this Enquiry, nor give an An- fiver unto it ; but it is of Juffification in another fenfe, and to another purpofe whereof he treateth. And whereas we cannot either fafely or ufefully treat of this Do &nine, but with refpe& unto the fame Ends for which it is declared, and whereunto it is applied in the Scripture, we fhould not by any pretences be turned afide from attending unto this Cafe and its Refòlution, in all our Difcourfès on this fùbje &. For it is the Dire &ion, Satisfa &ion and peace of the Confciences of men, and not the curiofity of Notions or fùbtilty of Difputations, which it is our Duty to defign.. And therefore I (ball as much as poffibly I may, avoid all thofe Philofophical Terms and Diftin &ions wherewith this Evangelical Doe nine hath been perplexed rather than illuftrated. For more weight is to be put on the fteady Guidance of the Mind and Con - fèience of one Believer really exercifed about the Foundation of his peace and acceptance with God, then on the confuta- tion of ten wrangling Difputers. 3. Now the Enquiry on what account or for what Caufe and Keafon a man may be fó acquitted or difcharged of fin, and accepted with God as before declared, Both neceffarily iffue in this ; Whether it be any thing in our fives, as our Faith, and Repentance, the Renovation of our Natures, inhe- rent habits of Grace, and aClual works of Righteoufnef which ive have done, or may do ; or whether it be the Obedience, Righ- teoufnef , SatisfaClion and Merit of the Son of God our Media- tor and Surety of the Covenant, imputed unto us. One of thefe it muff be, namely, foinething that is our own, which, what- ever may be the Influence of the Grace of God into it, or caufality of it, becaufe wrought in and by us, is inherently our own in a proper fenfe ; or fomething, which being not our own, not inherent in us, not wrought by us, is yet im- puted unto us, for the pardon of our fins, and the Accepta- 8 B 2 Lion
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