to the Explanation of the Do5rzne, &c. 7r us to be efreemed to do our felves what Chrift did ; and fix on the other fide,. Chrift to have done what we do and did,. chap. 2, 3. But thefe things are not fo. For if we are efteemed to have done any thing in our own pert ns, it cannot be imputed unto us as done for us by another ; as it will ap- pear when we {hall treat of thefe things afterwards. But the great and Holy Perlons intended, are as little concerned in the Accuf tions or Apologies of force Writers, as thofc Writers feem to be acquainted with that Learning, Wifdomr, and Judgment, wherein they did excel', and the Charaders whereof are fo eminently confpicuous in all their Writings.. But the Judgement of mo/l Proteflants is not only candidly expreffed, but approved of alto by Bellarmine himfelf in ano- ther place. Non eJt ( faith. he) abfurdum ( quis diceret nobis imputar! Chrifti juftitiam & merita 5 cum nobis donentur° applicentur 5 ac r nos ip1s.' Deo fatisfecif nnos. De Jufti£. lib. 2. cap. ro. It Were not abf rcl if any one fhould fay that the Righteoufef and Merits of Chrifi are imputed unto us, when they are given and applied unto us, as if we our flues had fatis feed God. And this he confirms with that laying of Bernard. and Innocent, Epift. 19o. Nam r toms pro omnibus mortuus ergo omnes mortimi Ant, ut videlicet fatisfiefia unies , omnibus-. imputetur, reimt omnium peccata onus ille portavit. And thole . who will acknowledge no more in this matter, but only a Participation gzovis modo, one way or other,. of the Bene- fits of the Obedience and Righteoufnefs of Chrift, wherein we have the concurrence of the Socinians alto, might do well as I fuppofe, plainly to deny all Imputation of his Righte oufnefs unto us in any fenfe as they do, feeing the Benefits or his Righteoufnefs cannot be laid to be imputed unto us, what . way foever we are made Partakers of them. For to fay,that the Righteoufnefs of Chrift is imputed unto us with refpc: unto the Benefits of it, when neither the Righ. teoufncf it felf is imputed unto us, nor can the Benefits of it be imputed -t.ntsi.