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74 General Con f derataons previous y nece f jary to the Faith. and Senfe of the Church in all Ages are fubjoined. S, pag. 240, 241. But this Boldnefs is not only unwarrantable but to be ab- horred. What place of Scripture, what Ecclefiaítical Tra- dition, what fingle prefident of any one fober Chriftian Wri- ter, what Theological Reafon will countenance a man in ma- king the comparifòn mentioned, and fo determining there- on ? fuch juvenile boldnefs, fuch want of a due apprehenfion and underfranding of the Nature of divine Infpirations, with the order anddefign of the writing of the New Teflament, which are the fprings of this precipitate cenfure, ought to be refleáed on. At prefent to remove this pretence out of our way, it may be obferved. T. That what the Lord Chrift taught his Difciples in his Perfonal Min flry on the Earth,was fuited unto that ieconomy of the Church which was antecedent unto his Death and Re- fúrre&ion. Nothing did he with -hold from them, that was needful to their Faith, Obedience, and Confolation in that ftate. Many things he inftruéted them in out of the Scrip- ture, many new Revelations he made unto them, and many times did he occafionally inftru& and re &ifie their judgements. )Howbeit he made no clear diflinEt Revelation of thofè facred r4yfleries unto them, which are peculiar unto the Faith of the New Teflament, nor were to be diftinaly apprehended be- fore his Death and Reíùrre &ion. 2. What the Lord Chrift revealed afterwards by his Spirit /anto the Apoftles was no lefs immediately from bimf, lf, then was the Truth which he fpoke unto them with his own mouth in the days of bis flefh. An Apprehenfion to the contrary is deftruetive of Chriftian Religion. The Epiflles of the Apo- files are no lefs Ch. rifts Sermons, then that which he delivered on the Mount. Wherefore, 3. Neither in the things themfelves, nor in the way of their Delivery or Revelation,, is there any Advantage of the one