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Confederations previous unto the Explana- tion of the Doúrine of Juftification is'. I. He General Nature of Juftifcation. State of the Perfon to be juf ifed antecedently thereunto. Rom.4. 5. Chap. 3. 19. Chap.'. 32. Joh.3. i8, 36. Gal. 3. 22. Thefole Inquiry on thatflate. Whether it be any thing that is our own inherently , or what 'is only imputed unto tes, that we are to truft unto for our Acceptance with God. The fum of this ,Inquiry. The proper ends of' Teaching and LearningtheDoc rine of fuftificatzán. Things to be avoided therein. Pag. i. O.. , 2. A due confideration of God the fudge ' of all , neceffary unto the right flating and apprehenfion of the Dotirine of 3ufti facation, Rom.8. 33. Ifa.43. 25. 45.23. Pfal. 145.2. Rom. 3. 20. What thoughts will be ingenerated hereby in the minds of Men. Ifai.3 3. 14. Mic.6. 7. Ifa.6.5. The Plea of Job again] his friends, and before God not the fame. Job 4o. 3, 4, 5. Chap. 42. 4; 5, 6. Direïlions for vifiting the fel<given of old. Tefíimonies of Jerome and Ambrofe. Senfe of Men in their Prayers. Dan.9. 7, 18. Pfal.i43.2. 13o. 3, 4. Paraphrafe of A.u[line on that place. Prayer of Pelagius. Public& Liturgies. Pag.8. 4. 3. A due f nfe of our Apofiare from God, the Depravation of our Nature thereby with the ¡ewer and guilt of Sin, the holinefs . of Law, necefary unto à right underftanding of the DoCtrine of luftifeation. Method of the Apoflle to this purpofe, Romans 1,2,3,4. Chap. Grounds of the antient and prefent Pelagianifrn, in the denial of theft things. Inflances thereof .Boalling of Per - a fedion