So General Confederations previoufly necefiary leaft how true it is that we know only in part, and prophefle only in part, whilft we are in this life. For whereas this Faith is an .Aa of our minds, put forth in the way of Duty to God, yet many by whom it is fincerely exercifed, and that conti- nually, are not agreed either in the nature or proper objelt of it. Yet is there no doubt but that föme of them who differ amongft themfelves about thefe things, have delivered their minds free from the prepoffeffion of prejudices and no- tions derived from other artificial Reafonings impofed on them, and do really exprefs their own conceptions as to the beft and utmoft of their Experience. And notwithftanding this Difference they do yet all of them pleafe God in the ex- ercife of Faith as it is their Duty, and have that raped unto its proper Objet, as fecures both their uftification and Sal- vation. And. if we cannot on this confideration bear with, and forbear one another in our different conceptions, and expreflions of thofè-conceptions about thefè things, it is a fign we have a great mind to be contentious, and thatour con- fidences are built on very weak foundations. For my part I had much rather my Lot fhould be found among them who do really believe with the heart unto Righteoufnef, though they are not able to give a tolerable Definition ofFaith unto others, then among them who can endlefly difpute about it with feeming Accuracy and Skill, but are negligent in the exercife of it as their own Duty. Wherefore fome things (hall be briefly fpoken of in this matter, to declare my own ap- prehenfìons concerning the things mentioned, without the leaft defign to contradict or oppofe the conceptions of others. 2. There hath been a Controverfie more directly ftated among force Learned Divines of the reformed Churches, (for the Lutherans are unanimous on the one fide) about the Righ teoufnefs of Chrift that is laid to be imputed unto us. For fò.= would have this to be only his Hering of Death, and the