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to the Explanation ó, f the V ocirine, &é. 8 I the fatisfation which he made for fin thereby, and others in- clude therein the Obedience of his life alto. The occafion, original, and progrefs of this controverfie, the perCons by whom it hath been managed, with the writings wherein it is fo, and the various ways that have been endeavoured for its Reconciliation, are fufficiently known unto all, who have en- quired into thefe things. Neither {hall I immix my felt herein, in the way of controverfie or in oppofition unto others,though I {hall freely declare my own Judgement in it, fo far as the confideration of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift under this di- ftin&ion is infeparable from the fubftance of the Truth it felt which I plead for. 3. Some Difference there hath been alto, whether the Righteoufnef o f Chrifl imputed unto us, or the Imputation of the Righteoufnef of Chrift, may be faid to be the formal caul of our Juftification before God, wherein there appears force variety of Expreffion among Learned men, who have han- dled this fubjeet in the way of controverfie with the Papifhs. The true Occafion of the Differences about this Expre ion hath been this and no other. Thole of the Roman Church do conftantly affert, that the Righteoufnefs whereby we are Righteous before God, is the formal caufe of our Juftifica- tion. And this Righteoufnefs they fay, is our own inherent Perfonal Righteoufnef , and not the Righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed unto us. Wherefore they treat of this whole con- troverfie, namely, what is the Righteoufnefs on the account whereof we are accepted with God, or juftified under the name of the formal caufe of Juftification, which is the fub- jef of the fecond Book of f Bellarmine concerning Juftification, In oppofition unto them, force Proteftants contending that the Righteoufnefs wherewith we are efteemed Righteous be- fore God,and accepted with him,is the Righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed unto us, and not our own inherent, imperfeec Perfonal Righteoufnefs, they have done it under this enquiry, namely,