8 2 general Conriderations previously neceff ary what is' the formal caufe of our yuJificatión 5 which fome have fiid to be the Imputation of tk e Righteoufnefs of Chri f, fome the Righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed. But what they de- fìgned herein was not to resolve this Controverfie into a Phi- losophical enquiry about the nature of a formal caaofe, but only to prove that, that truly belonged unto the Righteoufnefs of Chrift in our Juftification, which the Papifts ascribed unto our own, under that name. That there is an habitual infufdhabit of Grace which is the formal caufe of our perfonal inherent Righteoufnefs they grant. But they all deny that God par- dons our ,fins, and juflti fies our pert ns with refpe& unto this Righteoufnefs as the formal caufe thereof. Nay they deny that in the Juftification of a finner there either is, or can be any inherent formal caul of it. And what they mean by a formal caufe in our Juftification is only that which gives the denomination unto the fubje&, as the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift doth to a perfon that he is jufii- lied. Wherefore notwithstanding the differences that have been among force in the various expreffion of their conceptions, the fubftance of the Doi£ trine of the Reformed Churches, is by them agreed upon and retained entire. For they all agree that God juftifieth no sinner, abfolveth him not from Guilt, nor declareth him Righteous, fo as to have a Title unto the Heavenly Inheritance, but with refpe& unto a true and per - fe& Righteoufnefs, as alto that this Righteoufnefs is truly the Righteoufnefs of him that is fo juftified. That this Righte- oufnefs becometh ours by Gods free Grace and Donation, the way on our part whereby we come to be really and effe &u ally interefted therein, being Faith alone. And that this is the perfe& Obedience or Righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed unto us; In there things, as they [hall be afterwards diftin&ly explained., is contained the whole of that Truth, whofe Ex- planation and Confirmation is the Design of the enfuing Dif- courfe,