Pion from the fame Ground. Knowledge of Sin and Grace mutually promote each other. Pag. i 8. 4. 4. Oppo(tion between Works and Grace, as unto Juftiftcation. Method of the Apoftle in the EpiJle to the Romans to maniffes`1 this oppotion. A Scheam of others, contrary thereunto. Teli- monies witneffing this oppo f tion. judgment to be. made on them. Di ftint`lions whereby they are evaded. The ufelefnefs of them. Refòlution of the café in hand by Bellarmine. Luk.17. Io. Dan. 9. 18.. Pag.24. fl Commutation as unto Sin and Righteoufnefs, by Imputation between Chrifi and Believers, reprefented in the Scripture. Thé Ordinance of the Scape Goat.. Levit. 16. 21, 22. The nature of Expiatory Sacrifices. Levit. 4. 29. Expiation of an uncertain Murther. Deut.2 i. i, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7. The Commutation intend- ed, proved, and vindicated. Ifa. 53. 5, 6. 2 Cor.5. 21. Rom. 8.3,4. Ga1.3.13,14. 1 Pet. 1.24. Deut.21. 23. Teflimonies of Juftin Martyr, Gregory Niffen, Aúftine, Chryfoftome, Bernard,, Taulerus, Pighius, to that purpofe. The proper a Pings of Faith with refpeíl thereunto. Rom. 5.11. Matth. i1.2 8. Pfa. 38.4. Gen,4,.13.. Ifa.53.11. Ga1.3.1. Ifa.45.22. Joh.3.. 14, 15. A bold Calumnyanfwered.. Pag..38, 39.. 55. 6. Introduction of Grace by jefus Chr f into the whole of our Relation unto Ged, and its ref ee`l unto all the parts of our Obe- dience. No Myftery of Grace in the Covenant of Work. All Religion originally commenfurate unto Reafon.. No notions of Natural Light concerning the Introdu5lion of the Mediation of Chr, and My3`7ery of Grace into our Relation to God. Eph, r.. 17, 18, 19. Reafon as corrupted can have no notions o f Religi- on, but what are derived from its primitiveflare. Hence the My' pries cf the Gofp'el elleemedfolly. Reafon as corrupted, re- pugnan