BT763 O9 1677

90 .Genera1Confidel-awns previouflynecefary mers had to be careful about the prefervation of this Do&rine of the Gofpel pure and entire ; though we may not expe& the like fuccefs with them in our Endeavours unto that End. For the minds of the Generality of men are in another po- finre then they were, when they dealt with them. Under the power of Ignorance andSuperftit ion they were, but yet multi- tucks of them affe &ed with a fenf ofthe Guilt of fin.With us for the moil part things are quite otherwife. Notional Light, accompanied with a fènfelefsnefs of fin, leads men unto a contempt of this Do &rive, indeed of the whole myftery of the Gofpel. We have had Experience of the fruits of the Faith which we now plead for in this Nation for many years, yea now for force Ages. And it cannot well be denied but that thole who have been molt feverely tenacious of the Do&rine of Juftification by the Imputation of the Righte- oufnefs of Chriít, have been the molt exemplary in an Holy Life ; I fpeak of former days. And if this Dottrine be yet further corrupted, debafed, or unlearned among us, we fhall quickly fall into one of the Extreams wherewith we are at prefent urged on either fide. For although the Reliefs pro- vided in the Church of Rome, for the fatisfa&ion of the con fciences of men are at prefent by the molt difliked, yea de- fpifed 5 yet if they are once brought to a lofs how to place their whole truft and confidence in the Righteoufnee of Chrift and Grace of God in him, they will not always live at fuch an uncertainty of mind., as the belt of their own Perfónal Obedience will hang them on the Briars of; but betake them- felves unto fomewhat that tenders them certain peace and fe- curity, though at prefent it may íëem foolifh unto them. And 1 doubt not but that fome out of a meer Ignorance of the Righteoufnef of Gad, which either they have not been taught, or had Rio mind to learn, have with Tome Integrity in the Exercife of their Confciences, betaken themfelves unto that pretended.Refß which the Church of Rome airs, unto them. For