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to the Explanation of the DoErine, &c. 91 For being troubled about their fins, they think it better to betake themfelves unto that great variety of means for the eafe and ditcharge of their Confciences which the Roman Church affords, then to abide where they are, without the leaft pretence of Relief, as men will find in due time, there is no fuch thing to be found or obtained in themfelves. They may go on for a time with good fatisfa &ion unto their own minds ; but if once they are brought unto a lofs through the Convi &ion of fin, they mutt look beyond themfelves for peace and fatisfaétion, or fit down without them to Eternity. Nor are the principles and ways which others take up withall in another Extream upon the Reje &ion of this Do &rive, al- though more plaufible, yet at all more really ufeful unto the Souls of men, then thole of the Roman Church which they reje& as obfolete, and unfuited unto the Genius of the pre - fent Age. For they all of them arife from, or lead unto the want of a due fenfe of the Nature and Guilt of fin, as alto of the Holinefs and Righteoufnefs of God with refpe& there- unto. And when fuch principles as thefe do once grow pre- valent in the minds of men, they quicklygrow carelefs, neg- ligent, fecure in finning, and End for the moll part in Atheifm, or a great Indi fferency as unto all Religion, and all the Duties thereof CHAP.