11 oo 7nfiifying Faith, the Caufes, Obje11, not refpe& hereunto, we abfòlutely deny to be that Faith whereby we are juftified, Gal. 3. 22, 23, 24. Rom. 10. 4. 31y. This our Saviour himfelf direétly teacheth in the Gof- pel. For he calls unto him only thole who are weary and heavy laden, affirms that the whole have no need of the Phyf- cian but the fick; and that he came not to call the Righted# but (inners to Repentance. In all which he intenda not thofe who were really linners, as all men are, for he makes a diffe- rence between them, offering the Gofpel unto fome and not unto others, but fuch as were convinced of (,gin, burdened with it, and fought after deliverance. So thofe unto whom the Apoftle Peter propofed the Pro - mife of the Gofpel with the pardon of fin thereby as the Ob- jeét of Gofpel Faith, were pricked to the Heart upon the con - viaion of their fin, and cried what ¡hall we do ; A. 2.3 7, 38, 39 Such alfo was the ftate of the Jaylor unto whom the Apoftle Paul propofed Salvation by Chrift, as what he was to believe for his Deliverance, Ail. z6. 3o, 3r. 4ly. The ftate of Adam and Gods dealing with him there- in, is the belt Reprefentation of the order and method of thefe things. As He was after the Fall, fo are we by nature in the very fame ftate and condition. Really he was utterly loft by fin, and convinced he was both of the nature of his fin, and of the effeEts of it in that Aft of God by the Law on his minds which is called the the opening of his Eyes. For it was nothing but the communication unto his mind by his confcience of a fenfe of the nature, guilt, effeéts, and con - fequents of fin, which the Law could then teach him, and could not do fo before. This fills him with fhame and fear 5. againft the former whereof he provided by Figg - leaves, and againft the latter by hiding himfelf among the Trees of the Garden. Nor,however they may pleafe themfelves with them, are any of the contrivances of men, for freedom and fafety from fin, either wifèr or more likely to have fuccefs. in this con