13 6 The ACature of yuflifying Faith. fled ; which I (hail farther evince by (hewing what is inclu- ded in it, and infeparable from it. I. It includeth in it afncere Renunciation of all other ways and means for the attaining of Righteoufnefs, Life and Sal- vation. This is Effential unto Faith, Mt. 4.12. Hof. 14.2, 3. Jerem. 3.23. Pfal.71, 16. IwIll)nake mention of thy Righte- cej íef, of thine only. When a perfon is in the condition be- fore defcribed, ( and fuch alone are called immediately to believe, Math. 9. 13. chap. '1 T. 28. I Tim. I. 15.) many things will prefent themfelves unto him for his reliefs parti- cularly his own Righteoufnefs, Rom. IO. 3. A Renunciation of them all as unto any hope or expe&ation of Relief from them, belongs unto fincere Believing, Ifa. 5o. IO, I I. 2. There is in it the Wills confent, whereby the Soul be- takes it felf cordially and fincerely, as unto all its expe&ation of pardon of fin and Righteoufnefs before God, unto the way of Salvation propofed in the Gofpel. This is that which is called coming unto Chrifi, and receiving of him, whereby true Juftifying Faith is fo often expreffed in the Scripture; or as it is peculiarly called believing in him, or believing on his name. The whole is expreffed, Joh. 14. 6. jefus faith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no Man cometh unto the Father but by me. 3. An Acquief ency of the Heart in God, as the Author and principal Caufè of the way of Salvation prepared ; as lifting in a way of Soveraign Grace and Mercy towards fin- hers; Who by him do believe in God who raifid him op from the dead, and gave him Glory, that your faitb and hope might be in God, I Pet. I. 21. The Heart of a (inner doth herein give unto God the Glory of all thofe holy properties of his Na- ture which he defigned to manifeft in and by Jefus Chrift. See Ifa. 42. i. chap. 49. 3. And this Acquiefceney of the Heart in God, is that which is the immediate root of that waiting, patience, long- fuffering and hope, which are the proper A &s