BT763 O9 1677

The Nature 'of Juiifying Faith. T 37 A &s and Effe&s of Juftifying Faith, Heb. 6. 12, 15, 18, 19. 4. Tri fl in God, or the Grace and Mercy of God in and through the Lord Chrift as let forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his Blood, loth belong hereunto, or ne- eeffar'ily enfue hereon. For the perfon called unto Believing, is (1) convinced of fin, and expofed unto wrath. (2) 1-lath nothing elfè to truft unto for Help and Relief. (;;) Dot'; aftually renounce all other things that tender themfèlves unto that End e; and therefore without fome A& of Trull the Soul muft,lyé under a &ual Defpair, which is utterly inconfiflent with Faith, or the Choice and Approbation of the way of Salvation before defcribed. 5. The molt frequent Declara- tion of the Nature of Faith in the Scripture, efpecially in the Old Teftament, is by this 7rufl, and that becaufe it is that At of it which compof th the Soul, and brings it unto all the Reft it can attain. For all our Refit in this world is from Truft in God. And the efpecial Obje& of this Truft, fo far as it belongs unto the Nature of that Faith whereby we are Juftified, is God in Chrifl reconciling the World unto himfelf. For this is refpe&ed where his Goodnefs, his Mercy, his Grace, his Name, his Faithfulnefs, his Power, are ex- preffed, or any of them, as that which it doth immediately rely upon. For they are no way the Object of our Truft, nor can be, but on the account of the Covenant which is confirmed and ratified in and by the Blood of Chrift alone. Whether this Trull or Confidence thall be efteemed of the Ence of Faith, or as that which on the firft fruit and wor- king of it we are found in the exercife of, we need not poll.- tively determine.I place it therefore as that which belongs un- to Juftifying Faith, and is infeparable from it. For if all we have fpoken before concerning Faith may be comprifed under the notion of a firm Affent and Perfwafion, yet it cannot be fo, if any fuch Affent be conceiveable exclufive of this Truft. This Trull is that whereof many Divines do make f jiecial T mercy