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The Nature of Juf if ingFatth. Sacrifice of Chrift, the Nature and Work of Faith or their own Duty, nor the profeffed Experience of Believers recor- ded in the Scripture. See Rom. 5. i, 2, 3, 4, 5. Heb. IO. 2, TO, 2T, 20. Pfal. 46. I, 2. Pfal. 138. 7, 8. &c. Yet it is granted that all , thefe things are rather fruits or effe&s of Faith, as under Exercife and Improvement, than of the Ence of it, as it is the Inffrument in our Juffification. And the Trutt before mentioned, which is either Effential to Juftifying Faith, or infeparable from it, is excellently ex preffed by Bernard, De Evangel. Ser. 3. Tria confdero in qui - hill tota mea "fief con(fiit ; charitatem adoptions, veritatem promiffionis, poteflatem redditionis., Murmuret jam quantum voluerit, infiplens cogitatio mea, dicens Buis enitn es tu, ¿° quanta eft illa gluria, quibufve meritis hanc obtinere (peras ? & ego fiducialiter refpondebo, Scia cui credidi, & certus fum quia in cLaritate adoptavit me, quia verax in promiffione, quia patens in exhibitioner licet enim ei facere quod voluerit. Hic eft funi- culus triplex, qui difficulter rumpitur, gum nabis ex patria not ra in hanc terram ufq; demiffum, firmiter obf cro teneamus, . ipfe nos fublevet, ipfe nos trahat 6- pertrahat ufq; ad conee- t/um glorie magni Dei, qui eft benedicus in f cula. Concerning this Faith and Trutt it is earneftly pleaded by many, that Obedience is included in it. But as to the way and manner thereof they varioufly exprefs themfelves. Socinus and thofe who follow him abfolutely, do make Obedience to be the Effential form of Faith, which is denied by Epifcopius. The Papifts diftinguifh between Faith informed, and Faith formed by Charity, which comes to the fame purpofe. For both are built on this fuppofition, that there may be true Evangelical Faith, that which is required as our Duty, and confequently is accepted of God, that may contain all in it which is comprifèd in the name and duty of Faith, that may be without Charity or Obedience, and fo be ufelefs. For the Socinians dánot make Obedience to be the Eflénce of Faith T 2 abfo- I3 9