148 The Vfe of Faith in yuffi ficdtion;. will fcarce pats the Ordeal of arbitrary Rules and Diftin&ions through the whole compafs of notional and artificial Sciences. And thofe who without more ado reje& the infirumentality of Faith in our Juftification as an unfcriptural Notion, as though it were eafie for them with one breath to blow away the Reafons and Arguments of fo many Learned Men as have pleaded for it, may not I think do amifs to review the Grounds of their Confidence. For the Queftion being only concer- ning what is intended by it, it is not enough that the Term or Word it felf of an infirument is not found unto this pur- pofe in the Scripture. For on the fame Ground we may re- 'ea a Trinity of Perfons in the Divine Effence, without an acknowledgment whereof, not one Line of the Scripture can be rightly underftood. Thofe who affert Faith to be as the Inflrumental cauf in our Juftification, do it with refile& unto two Ends.. For firft they defign thereby to declare the meaning of thofe exprefii- ons in the Scripture, wherein we are faid to be juftified ?ser9 abfölutely, which mull denote, either infirumentum amt formam, ant modus adonis. r07,461.. os v '745vmkpga., ávQgc v -, Rom. 3 28. Therefore we conclude that a Man is jifed by Faith. So . mid 745'04, ver..22. Cm. wissos î ROM. I. I7. al. 3. 8. d)á Tñs ÇewS '_- Ephef. 2.8. za se s, .481-i15 fsçwc. Ram. 3. 22, 3o..That is fide,.. ex fide, per fdem ; which we can exprefs only by Faith or through Faith. Propter f Clem, or la dinv; for our Faith we are no where faid to be jufttified. The Enquiry is, what is the molt proper, lightfome, and convenient way of declaring the mean- ing of thefe Expreffions. This the Generality ofProtefíants do judge to be by an inflrumental caul. For forge kind of caufality they do plainly intimate, whereof the lowdt and meaneft is that which is inftrumentalFor they are ufed of Faith in ourju- ftification before God, and of no other Grace or Duty what- ever. Wherefore the proper Work or Office of Faith in our Juftification is. intendedby.them.. And . is no where urea in