Its eßecialObje i farther cleared. 63. this eftate, that is to be juftified according to the Gofpel he neither doth, nor can wifely take any other courfe than what he is there dire &ed unto by the fame Apoftle, ver. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Therefore by the Deeds of the Law there fall no flefh be juf iféd in his fight ; for by the Law is the knowledge of fn. But now the Righteoufnefs of God without the Law is manifef ed, being witneff d by the Law and the Pro - phets. Even the Righteoufnef of God, which is by Faith of Jefus Chrift unto all,and upon all them that believe, for there is no diffèrence For all have finned, and come Port of the Glory of God, Being juflif d freely , his Grace, through the Redem- ption that is in jefus Chrift l ; whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his Blood, to declare his Righ- teoufnefs for the remifjzon of fins that are pall, through the for- bearance of God. Whence I argue That which a Guilty condemned firmer finding no hope, nor Relief from the Law of God the foie Rule of all his Obe- dience, doth betake himfelf unto by Faith that he may be delivered or juftified, that is the efpecial Obje& of Faith as Juftifying. But this is the Grace of God alone through the Redemption that is in Chrift, or Chrift propofed as a Propi- tiation through Faith in his Blood. Either this is fo, or the Apoftle doth not aright guide the Souls and Confciences of men in that condition wherein he himfelf doth place them. It is the Blood of Chrif alone that he dire &s the Faith unto of all them that would be juftified before God. Grace, Re- demption, Propitiation, all through the Blood of Chrift, Faith doth peculiarly refpe& and fix upon. This is that, if I miftake not, which they will confirm by their Experience, who have made any diftin& obfervation of the a&ings of their Faith in their Juftification before God. 2. The Scripture plainly declares that Faith rs 7uflifying, refpe&ts the facerdotalOffice and A&ings of Chrift alone. In the great Reprefèntation of the Juftification of theChurch of Old Y 2 in