its eJetial ObjeEi farther clèdred 165 that no one of them doth affirm, that we are juftified by Faith in the Blood of Chrift alone fo as to exclude the cotlderation of the other Offices of Chrift and their attings, . from being the Obje& of Faith in the fame manner, and unto the fame ends, with his Sacerdotal Office, and what belongs thereunto, or is derived from it. Anfzr. This exception derives from that common Obje &ion againft the Dottrine of yuftification by Faith alone ; namely that, That exclufve term alone, is not found in the Scripture, or in any of the Teftimonies that are produced for Juftifi- cation by Faith. But it is replyed with fufficient evidence of Truth, that although the word be not found Syllabically ufed unto this purpofè ; yet there are exceptive Expreflions equivalent unto- it, as we thall fee afterwards. It is fo in this particular inftance alto. For ( r ).whereas our Jufcification is exprefly afcribed unto our-Faith in the Blood of Chrift, as the Propitiation for our Sins, unto our believing in him as Crucifréd for us, and it is no where afcribed unto our receiving, of him as King, Lord, or Prophet ; it is plain, that the for- mer Expreilions are virtually exclufive of the later confidera_ tion. ( 2) I do not fay, That the confederation of the Kingly and Prophetical Offices of Chrift is excluded from our. Juftification, as work,- are excluded in Oppofition. unto Faith -and Grace. For they are fo excluded, as that we are to exercife an att of our minds in their pofìtive RejeElion, as faying, Get you hence, you have no Lot nor Portion in this matter. But-as -to thefe Offices of Chrift, as to the Object of Faith as Juftifying, we fay only that they . are not included therein. For fo to believe to be juftified by his Blood, as to exercife a pofitive at of the mind, excluding a compliance with his other Offices, is an impious Imagination. 3. Neither the Confideration of thefe Offices themfelves, nor of any of the peculiar Ads of them; are fuited to give the. Souls and Confciences . of convinced Sinners, that Relief which