Of Ju lification,the Notion, &c: 169 Dating of the Queftion, What of Chrifl is to le efleemect the Objetf of Yufiifying Faith, and what is not fo., For the thing intended is only this ; whether our own Obedience, difkina from Faith, or included in it, and in like manner as Faith, be the condition of our Juftification before God. This being that which is intended, which the other quefiori is but invented to lead unto a compliance with, by a more fpecious pretence then in it felf it is capable of under thofe terms, it (hall be examined and no otherwife. CHAP. IV. Of yuftìfication, the notion andfignification of the Word in the Scripture. UNto the right underfandiñg of the nature of 7u flifea- tion , the proper fenfe and fignification of thefe words themfelves, Juflification and to juflifie, is to be enqui- red into. For until that is agreed upon, it is impoffible that our Difcourfes concerning the thing it felf fhould be freed from equivocation. Take words in various fenf s, 'and all may be true that is contradi &orily affirmed or denied concern- ing what they are fuppofed to fignifie. And fo it hath ac`u- ally fallen out in this cafe, as we (hall fee more fully after- wards. Some taking thefe words in one flute, force in ano- ther, have appeared to deliver contrary Doecrines concerning the thing it fell, or our Juftification before God ; who yet havefully agreed in what the proper determinate fenfe or fig- fication of the words doth import." And therefore the true meaning of them hath been declared and vindicated already by many.But whereas the right Dating hereof, is of more mo- Z ment