BT763 O9 1677

17Ö Of Yuiificdtion, the Notion ment unto the Determination of what is principally contro- verted about the Do &rine it felf, or the thing figmfied, than nofk do apprehend ; and fomething at leafl remains to be ad- ded for the Declaration and Vindication of the import and only fignification of thefe words in the Scripture, I (hall give an account of my obfervations concerning it, with what di- ligence I can. The Latine Derivation and Compofition of the word Juflificatio would feem to denote an internal change from in- herent Unrighteoufnefs,unto Righteoufnefs likewife inherent; by a Phyfical motion, and Tranfmutation, as the Schoolmen fpeak. For fuch is the, fignification of words of the fame Compofition. So Sanctification, Mortification, Vivification, and the like do all denote a real internal Work on the Sub - 3eët fpoken of Hereon in the whole Roman School,, Juffifi- cation is taken for yuflifa lion, or the making of a man to be inherently Righteous by the infufion of a principle or habit of Grace, who was before inherently and habitually unjuft and unrighteous. Whilft this is taken to be the pro- per fignification of the word 5 we neither do,nor can fpeak ad idem in our Dïfputations with them about the caufe and nature of that J:uftification, which the Scripture teacheth. And this appearing fenfe of the Word poffibly deceived fome of the Antients, as Ad/in in particular, to declare the DoCtrine of free gratuitote fanaification , without refpe& unto any Works of our own, under the name of juffifiçati- on. For neither, he nor any of them, ever thought of a yfilifacation before God, confiffing in the pardon of our fins and the Acceptation of our Perfons as Righteous, by vertue of any inherent habit of Grace infufed into us, or aeced by. us. Wherefore the fubje& matter muff be determined by the Scriptural ufe. and fignification of thefe words, before we can fpeak properly or intelligibly concerning it. For if to f u- s`iife =lam the Scripture, fignifie to make them f b1eelivey and