BT763 O9 1677

17 2 Of yus1i fication, the otìon, and Perlon Adopted ; but by vertue thereof he is e.fleemed and adjudged as a true Son, and hath all the rights of a legitimate Son ; fo by Ji&ification, as to the importance of the word, a man is only efteemed, declared and pronounced Righteous, as if he were compleatly fo. And in the prefent cafe, Ju.fti- facation andgratuitous Adoption are the fame Grace for the fub- ftance of them, Job. I. 12. only refpe& is had in their diffe- rent denomination of the fame Grace, unto different effe &s or priviledges that enfue thereon. But the true and genuine fignification of thefe words is to be determined from thofe in the Original languages of the Scripture which are expounded by them. In the Hebrew it is ply This the Lxx. render by t'n iov el opmlvm Job. 27.5 Atoie- sá?vopaivoguat, Chap. 13. 18. Atom, xeivw Prov. 17.I 5. To {hew or declare one Righteous ; to appear Righteous ; to judge any one Righteous. And the fenfe may be taken from any one of them, as Chap. i 5,18. phyc4li 1 :,n,11 unwm +11Z-1P r43 rt r Behold now I have ordered my caufe, I know that fhall be jufli- fed. The ordering of his caufe, ( his Judgment) his caute to be judged on, is his preparation for a fentence, either of Abfoiution or Condemnation ; andhereon his confidence was that ie {hould be Juflified, that is, abfolved, acquitted, pro - toutieed Righteous. And thefenfe is no lefs pregnant in the r places; commonly they render it by d)16, whereof kaafterwards. it denotes an A &ion towards another, (as Jufti- 'atio'ü, acid to juflifie do ) inHiphil only : and a reciprocal 16fton of a man on himfelf in Hithpael Phiyr t Hereby alone is the true fenfe of thefe words determined. And I fay that no place , or on any occafion, is it ufed in that Conjugation v2herein it denotes an Action towards another, in any other lnfe , but to abfolve, acquit , efleem , declare , pronounce Righteous, or to impute Righteouf efs, which is the Foren(îck, fenj e of the word we plead for ; that is its conflant ufe and figni-