fignification of the Word, &c. 173 fignification,nor doth it ever once lignifie to make inherently Righteous ; much lets to pardon or forgive, to vain is the pretence of Tome that Juftification confifis only in the pardon of Sin, which is not fignified by the Word in any one place of Scripture. Almofc in all places this fenfe is abfolute- ly unqueftionable ; nor is there any more then one which will admit of any debate, and that onfo faint a pretence as cannot prejudice its confiant ufe and fignification in all other places. Whatever therefore an infuon of inherent Grace may be, or however it may be called, Jiíffif 'cation itis not, it cannot be ; the Word no where fignifying any fuch thing. Wherefore thofeof the Church of Rome do not fo much oppofe Juftifi- cation by Faith through the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrifl:, as indeed deny that there is any fuch thing as juflifìéation. For that which they call the 3%7 Juflifìcation, confifting in the infuflon of a principle of inherent Grace, is no fuch thing as Juftification. And their fecond Juflificati on which they place in the merit of Works wherein Abfolution or pardon of Sin, hath neither place nor confederation, is in- confftent with Evangelical Juftification , as we ¡hall Phew afterwards. This Word therefore, whether the a& of God towards men, or of men towards God, or of men among themfelves, or of one towards another be expreffed thereby , is always ufed in a Foren f ck, fenfe, and doth not denote a Phy (lcal ope- ration, Transfufion or Tranfmutation. 2 Sam. 15. 4. If any man bath a Suit or Caufe let him come to me, +1pir n and Brill do him yuilice; I will Juftifie him, judge 12 his Caufe and pronounce for him. Deut. 25. 1. If there be a Controver /le among men, and they come to Judgment, that the Judges Wray judge them, 7+7yrt-rm 1pri rn they fhall juftife the Righteous, pronounce fentence on his fide,whereunto is oppofed y1 in rm and they condemn the wicked make him wick- ed, as the Word, lignifies 5 that is, judge, declare and pro - nounce