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i74 Of ynf if cation, the Notion, and pounce him wicked, whereby he becomes fo judicially, and in the eye of the Law ; as the other is made Righteous, by declaration, and acquitment. He doth not fay this íhall par- don the Righteous, which to fuppofe would overthrow both the Antithefis and defign oF the place. And Irwin is as much do infufe n icl ednefs into a man, as Pin" is to infufe a princi- ple of Grace or Righteoufnefs into him. The fame .Antithe(is occurs ; Prov. 17. 15. Ply Vtrriu, tti`t pl iYn He thatju.ili- feth the wicked, and condemneth the Righteous. Not he that maketh the wicked inherently Righteous, not he that changeth him inherently from Unrighteous unto Righteoufnefs : But he that without any Ground, Reafon or Foundation acquits him in Judgment, or declares him . to be Righteous, is an Abo ninationunto the Lord. And although this be fpoken of the Judgment of men, yet the Judgment of God alfo is according unto this Truth. For although he jui-tifieth the V ngodly, thofe who are fo in themfelves ; yet he doth it on the ground and confiderationof a perfect Righteoufnefs made theirs by Imputation 5 and by another aét of his Grace,that they may be meet SubJ'eéts of this Righteous Favour, really and inherently changeth themfrom Unrighteoufnefsunto Holi- nefs, by the Renovation of their Natures: And thefe things are fingular in the aaings of God, which nothing ámongft men hath any Refemblance unto or can reprefent. For the Imputation of the Righteoufnef of Chris'', unto a Perfon in hi felf ungodly unto his Juftification, or that he may be ac- qutted, abfolved, and declared Righteous, is built on fuch Foundations, and procedeth on fuch Principles of Righteouf- nefs, Wifdom, and Soveraignty, as have no place among the anions of men, nor can have fo, as íhall afterwards be de- clared. Andmoreover, when God Both Juftifie the ungodly on the account of the Righteoufnefs imputed unto him, he doth at the fame ins`lant by the power of his Grace, make him