fgni cation of the Word, &c. him inherently and f bjeclively Righteous or Holy, which men cannot do one towards another. And therefore whereas mans NI/lying:of the wicked, is to juftifie them in their wick- ed ways, whereby they are conftantly made worfe and more obdurate in evil ; when God juftifies the ungodly, their change from perfonal unrighteoufnefs and unholinefs, unto Righteoufnefs and Holinefs, Both neceffarily and infallibly accompany it. To the fame purpofe is the word tared ; Ifa. 5. 23. Which juf ife the wicked for Reward. Chap. 5o.8.17ti7yc n1 -12. He is near that juf ijfeth me, who (hall contend with me, let us and together, who is my Adverfary, let him come near unto ; Behold the Lord God will help nee, who fhall condemn me Where we have a full Declaration of the proper fenfe of the Word, which is to acquit and pronounce Righteous on a Trial. And the fame fenfe is fully expreffedin the former Antithef r. z Kings. 8.3 a, 32. If any man trefof againf his Neighbour, -and an Oath be laid upon him to caufe him to (wear, and the Oath came before thine Altar in this Houle ; then hear thou in Heaven and do, and judge thy Servants, :nil xrvirt to con- demn the wicked, to charge his wickedneís on him, to bring his way on his head, p.m' p.1117151 and to jullifie the Righteous. Thefame words are _repeated 2 Chron. 6.22, 23. Pfal. 82. 3; - 1p+,iy7 trrilljr Do juftice to the Afflieced and Poor; that is, juf ife them in their caufe againft Wrong and Oppreffion. Exod. 23. 7. 3 1 pri y,N N5 I will not jnf ifie the wicked abfolve, acquit, or pronounce him Righteous. Job. 27. 5. C rtez P'ïXt.t dN 15 n'71'7n Bet far from me that I fhould j lifie you, or pronounce fentence on your fide, as if you were Righteous. Ifa. 53. a a. By his knowledge my Righte- ous fervant ptïr {hall juf ifië many; .the reafon whereof is added : For he(hall hear their Iniquities, whereon they are abtòlved and juftified. Once it is ufed in Hithpael, wherein a reciprocal'- aétion is denoted,, 175