17 6 Of Yi i fication, the Notion, and denoted, that whereby a man Juftifieth himfelf. Gen. 44. 16. And Judah fàid, what fhall.we fay unto my Lord ? what (hall we (peak TY -cv no., and how fhall we jullify ourfelves, God hath found out our Iniquity ? they could plead nothing why they fhould be abfolved from Guilt. Once the Participle is ufed to denote the outward infirm- mental caul of the Juf}ification of others, in which place alone there is any doubt of its fenfe. Dan. 12.3. o7tit r=nrim ; And they that juflify many; namely , in the fame fenfe that the Preachers of the Gofpel are fàid to fave them - felves and others, i Tim. 4. 16. For men may be no lefs the Jnftrumental caufes of the Juftification of others, than of their Sanctification. Wherefore although pi in Kal fignifies jujium eye, and fometimes julie agere, which may relate unto inherent Righte- oufnefr ; yet where any action towards another is denoted , this word fignifies nothing, but to e.fieem, declare, pronounce, and adjudge any one abfolved, acquitted, cleared, juftified There is therefore no other kind of juftification once men- tioned in the Old Teftament. inxausry is the word ufed to the fame purpofe in the New Teftament, and that alone. Neither is this word ufed in any good Author whatever, to lignifie the making of a man Righteous by any applications to produce internal Righteouf- nefs in him ; but either to abfolve and acquit, to judge, efteem, and pronounce Righteous, or on the contrary to condemn So Suidas orxcutz, AIXtr t,r1're xoAgeo, Away votAICeiv. It hath two fignifiications, topunifh, and to account Righteous. And he confirms this fenfe of the word by Inftances out of Her odotus, Appianus, and Jofephus. And again, hxauwottr, ad nx4rxa, 4.47u! jattc, xoNeiatts, JY'r,u- v voNdoact; with an Accufative cafe, that is, when it refpects and effeëts a Subject, a Perfbn, it is either to condemn and punifh, or to diem and declare Righteous ; and of this latter fenfe, he gives pregnant inflames in the next words.