I r of ecialObjeEJ farther cleared. 1'77 words.Hefychirrs mentions only the firftfignification.oawffAvav, 10r46¢tavav, rhRatwasca;iw.«,.aat- They never thought of any fenfe of this word, but what is Foren fck And in our Language to be jua ifitd, was commonly ,ufed formerly, for to be judged and ièntenced ; as it is [till among the "Scots. One of the Articles of Peace between the two Nations at the furrender of Leith., in the days of Edward the fixth was ; That if any one com- mitted a crime, he fhould be juf ified by the Law, upon his Trial And irigeneral-d w.wear, is yus in judicio auferre`; andd ç de t is jufium cenfere, declarare , pronuntiare ", and how in the Scripture it is conftantly oppofed unto .condemnàre, we [Ball fee immediately. But we maymore diftinftly confider the ufe of this Word intheNewTeftament, as we have done that of ;Inyn in the Old. And that which we enquire concerning is, whether this word be ufed in the New Tefkament,ín a Foren(,ick fenfe to denote an A & of: jurifdietion, or in a Phyf7cal fenfe to ex- prefs an -internal change or mutation, the infu flon of an habit of Righteoufne1, and the denomination of the perfon to be Juftified thereon ; or whether it fignifieth not pardon of fin. But this we may lay afide ; For furely no man was ever yet fo fond, as to pretend that d`rx.bw did lignifie to pardon fin ; yet is it the only word apply'd to exprefs our Juftification in the New Teftament. For if it be taken only in the former fenfe, then that which is pleaded for by thole of the Roman Church, -under the name of Juftification, whate- ver it be, however good, ufeful and neeeffury, yet Juftifrcati on it is not, nor can be fo called ; feeing it is a thing quite of another nature than what alone is fignifled by that word. Matth. t I. 19. iolx,auá8e á avoiai Wifdorn is juilified of her Chil- dren , not made juft, but approved and declared.Chap. 2.3 7. it my 467.ov as d}rccuce06an; by thy words thou 'halt -be Jarrlifred ; not made juft by them, but judged according to them, as is ma- nifeft in the Antithef s,. ró v m ycvv c, 7,4v, ao ; and by thy A a words