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78 The V fe of Faith in fti fic uioî; words thou !halt be condemned. Luke. 7.29. ihoiraaua'ó, SF3v ; they jufi¿ifi'ed God ; not Purely by making him Righteous in himfelf, but by owning, avowing and declaring his Righteouf nefs ; Chap. ro. 29. ó A efAe v Accuúv ie u7óv ; He willing tojufli9 f e himfelf, to declare and maintain his own Righteoufnefs. To the fame purpofe ; Chap. r 6. 15. Jw7, 7s o tx.ccap s .a rtts, ivuf7now rv"v àvhd wrev ; you are they that jufli j e your (elves before men, they did not make themfelves internally Righteous, but approved of their- own condition ;.-as our Saviour ,declares in the place ; Chap. r. 8 14, The Publican went down dihn.wwa NANO Jultified unto his Houle ; that is acquitted, abfolved, pardoned, upon the confeffion of his fin, and fupplication for Remiffi on. Aft. 13. 38,t39. with Rom, 2. 13. of vmtn -ral rb a d'acuev96ovvzxe. The doers of the Law fball be . juflifed. The place declares direedy the nature of our Juftification before God, and puts the fignification of the word out of queftion. For Juftification enfues, as the whole effeft of inherent Righ. teoufnefs according unto the Law : And therefore it is not the making of so Righteous ; which is irrefragable. It is fpaken of God ; Rom. 3. 4. ors c v hx,cucePs iv io"'t Aspn That thou mayefl be juftifaed in thy fillings, where to afcribe any other fenfe to the word is 13lafphemy. In like manner the fame word is ufed, and in the fame fignification ; r Cor. 4.4. a 7im.. 3, r6. Rom. 3. 20, 26, 28, 30. Chap. 4. 2, 5. Chap. 5. r; 9. Chap. 6.7. Chap. 8.3o. Gal. 2. i6, a 7. Chap. 3. ar, 24. Chap. 5.4. Tit. 3.7. Jam. 2. 22, 24,.25. And in no one of thefe inftances can it admit of any other fignification, or denote the making of any man Righteous by the infuf ou of an habit, or principle of Righteoufnefs, or any internal mutation whatever. It is not therefore in many places of Scripture as Bellar.. mine grants, that the words we have infifted on, do fignifie the declaration or juridical prommtiation of any one to be Wighteous, but in all plarec where they are ufed, they are capable