Its decial Obj farther cleared. 179 capable of no other but a Foren (ick fen, fee; efpecially, is this evident where mention is made of 7u/1i/cal-ion before God. And becaufe in my judgment this one confideration doth fufficiently defeat all the pretences of thofe of the Roman Church about the nature of Juffification , I íhall confider what is excepted againft the obfervation infifted on, and re- move it out of our way. Lud. de Blanc. In his Reconciliatory endeavours on this Article of Juflification (Thef. de ufu & accept ation vocis, guflifcandi) grants unto the Papiffs, that the word d'iwalódi doth in fundry places of the New Teflament, fignifie to re- new, tofan tifre, to infufe an habit of Holinefr or Righteouf- nefc according as they plead. And there is no reafon to think but he hath grounded that concefíion on thofe inffances, which are moft pertinent unto that purpofe. Neither is it to be expected that a better countenance will be given by any unto this concefiìon, then is given it by him. I (hall there - fore examineall the in fiances which he infiffs upon unto this purpofe, and leave the determination of the difference unto the judgment of the Reader. Ouly I íhall premife that which 'judge not anunreafonable demand; namely, That if the fignification of the word in any, or all the places which he mentions, íhould feem doubtful unto any (as it Both not unto me) that the uncertainty of a very few places, thould not make us queftion the proper fignification of a word, whole fence is determined info many, wherein it is clear and unqueftionable. The firft place he mentioneth, is that of the Apofile Paul him/lf; Rom. 8. 3o. Moreover whom he did predefiinate, them he alfo called; and whom he called, them he alto jullified, and whom he juflifed them he alp glorified. The reafon whereby he pleads that by juflified in this place, an in- ternal work of inherent Holinefr in them that are predeífinated is defigned, is this and no other. It is not, íàith he, likely that the Holy Apofile in this enumeration of gracious Priviledges, A a 2 would