'1 S o The Z fé-of Fa th n yusfi, fication,; - would omit the mention of our Sarnlifacation..by which we: are freed from the fervice,of fn, and adorned with true internal .Rolinef and Righteoufne : Bist this is utterly omitted, if it be not comprized under the name and title of being Juflified ; For it k abfurd with feme, to refer it unto the Head of Glorificati- on. Anfir. ( z) The Grace of Santlifcation, whereby our natures are fpiritually waffled, purified and endowed with a principle of life, Holinefst and Obedience . unto God; is a Pr'iviledge unqueftionably great and excellent, and without which none can be faved. Of . the. fame nature alto is our Redemption by the Blood. of Chrih. And both thefe. Both this Apoitle in other places without number, declare, corn, mend, and infift upon. But that he ought to have introduced the mention of them, or either of- them in this place, .feeing he bath not done fo I dare not judge:- 2. If our San iffication be included or intended in any of the Priviledges here expreffed, there . is none of them, Pre - deilination only excepted, but it is more probably to be redu- ced unto, than unta that of being juftified. Indeed in Vocar tion it fèerns to be included exprefly. For whereas it is efé- ¿liialVocation, that. isintended wherein an Holy principle of fpiritual life, or Faith- it felf is communicated unto: us, our San i. cation. radically; and as the effe& in its.adxquate im- mediate caufè is contained in it. Hence we are faid to be called to be Saints -; ' Rom.- I. 7. which is the fame with being Santified in -Chr ff jefs. - -:i Cdr. i 2: , Anct ini,.naauy other places isSanc`l ifeation included: in Vocation. 3 Whereas our Sanctification in the in fujov".. of a principle f . fpiritual life , and the aetings,of it unto an encreafe in duties of Holinefs, Righteouinef and Obedience, is that whereby we "art made meet for Glory, . and is of the fame nature entiai1y with. Glory it felf, whence. its advances, in 14,, are faid to - be from Glory to Glory 9 2 Cor. 3. x8.' and Glory.