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Its of ecial ObjeU farther cleared. i. S 1,.. Glory it felf is called the Grace of life ; z Pet. .3.7. It is much more properly expreffed by our being Glorified, than by being ju, ified, which is a Priviledge quite of another nature. However it is evident, that there is no reafon why we íhould depart from the general ufe and fignification of the Word,no circumf cane in the Text compelling us fo to do. The next place that he gives up unto this fignification is ,I Cor. 6. it i. Such were fame of you , butyou are wafhed, but ye are Sanîfifzed, but ye are jiltifted in the -name of our Lord jefirs, and by the Spirit of our God; That by jollification here,the infuron of an inherent principle of . Grace making us inherently Righteous, is intended, he endeavoureth to prove -by three Reafons. (I) Becaufe yuflifiiation k here afcribed unto the Holy Ghof,ye are jut ified by the Spirit of our God. But to renew as is the proper workof the Holy Spirit.( 2)It is.,manifefi, he fays, That by yuf ification, the Apof le doth (àgni- fie forme change in the Corinthians, whereby they ceafed to be what they were before. For they were Fornicators and Drunkards, filch as could not inherit. the, Kingdom of God, but now were changed, which,proves a real inherent workof Grace, . to be in- tended. (3) If jufhifcation here [ignifie nothing, but to be abfolved from the punifbiment of fn, then the reafoning of the Apoflle will be infirm and frigid. For after he bath laid that which is greater, as heightning of it, he addeth the lefs : For it is more to be wafhed, then merely to be freed from the punifhment of fin' Anfw. T. All there reafons prove not, that it is the fame to be Santlified and to be Juflified, which muff be, if that be the fenfe of the latter, which is here pleaded for. But Apoflle makes an exprefs diflin&ion between them, and as this Author obferves, proceeds from one to another by an afcent from the letter to the greater. And the infufìon of an habit or principle of Grace, or Righteoufnefs Evangeli- cal, whereby we are inherently . Righteous, by which . he. ex- pla . w,