18 2 The 2Jfe o f Faith in jufii fication plains our being juftified inthis place, is our SanEtifrcation and nothing elfe. Yea, and Sanílif cation is here diftinguifhed from mafhing; but ye are waj7ied, but ye are Sant` ified; So as that it peculiarly in this place denotes pofitive habits of Grace and Holinefs : Neither can he declare the nature of it, any way different from what he would have expreffed by, being Juftified. 2. Juflification is afcribed unto the Spirit of God, as the principal efficient caute of the Application of the Grace of God and Blood of Chrift, whereby we are Juftified, unto our Souls and Confciences. And he is fo alfo of the operation of that Faith whereby we are Juftified ; whence, although we are Paid to be juftified by him, yet it doth not follow that our Juftificationconfifts in the Renovation of our na- tures. 3. The change and mutation that was made in thefe Co- rinthians, fo far as it was Phyftcal in effects inherent, ( as fuch there was ) the Apoftle exprefly afcribes unto their wafting and Santi'if cation ; So that there is no need to fuppofe this change to be expref ed by their being juflifi'ed. And in the real change aflerted, that is, in the Renovation of ourNatures, confifts the true entire work and nature of our Sane` ification. But whereas by reafon of the vitious habits and practices mentioned, they were in a Date of Condemnation, and fuch as had no right unto the Kingdom of Heaven, they were by their juflification changed and transferred out of that Date into another, wherein they had peace with God, and right unto life Eternal. 4. The third reafon proceeds upon a miftake ; namely, That to be juiliAd, is only to be feed from the punifhment due unto fin. For it comprizeth both the Non - imputation of fin, and the Imputation of Righteoufnefs, with the priviledge of Adoption and right unto the Heavenly Inheritance,which are .infeparable from it. And although it doth not appear that