its eJbecialObjet farther cleared. 183 that the Apoftle in the enumeration of thefe Priviledges, did intend a procèfsfrom the lefJer unto thegreater 5 nor is it fafe for us to compare the unutterable effeecs of the Grace of God by Chrifl Jefus, filch as Santlifacation and juififeation are, and to determine which is greatefl, and which is leaf' ; yet following the condut of the Scripture, and the due confideration of the things themfelves, we may fay that in this life we can be made partakers of no greater Mercy or Priviledge, than what confifts in our juflification. And the Reader may fee from hence, how impofhible it is to pro- duce any one place wherein the words, yxs`lification, and to juflifié, do fignifie a real internal Work and Phyfical operati- on; in that this learned man, a perfon of more then ordinary perfpicuity, candor and judgment, defigning to prove it, in- fitted on fuch inftances, as give fo little countenance unto whathe pretended. " He adds, Tit. 3.. 5, 6, 7. Not by works of Righteoufnef which we have clone, but according unto his Mercy he faved us, by the wafhing of Regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghos`f ; which he flied on us abundantly through 7efus Chrifl our Saviour ; that being juífif éd by his Grace, we fliould be made Heirs according unto the hope of Eternal life. The argument which he alone infifls upon to prove, that by Juftification here, an infußon of internal Grace is intended, is this; That the Apoflle affirming firft, that God faved us, ac- cording unto his Mercy bythe wafhingof Regeneration, and re- newingof the Holy Ghofl, and afterwards affirming that we are luflift'e by his Grace, hefüppofesit nece /ry, that we fbould be Regenerate and renewed, that we may be jufii fiéd ; and if fo, then our f uflification contains and comprifeth our Sanelificat.ion alfo. Afro. The plain truth is,the Apoflle {peaks not one word of the Necej zty of our Santlification, or Regeneration, or Re- novationby the Holy Ghofl, antecedently unto our Juflificati- on, a fuppofition whereof contains the whole force of this Argument, .,