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84 The )fe of Faith in yuftif cation; Argument. Indeed he affigns our Regeneration, Renovation, and yuftification all the means of our Salvation, all equally unto Grace and Mercy,in oppofition unto any works of our own, which we [hall afterwards make ufè of Nor is there intimated by him, any order of precedency, or connexion be- tween the things that he mentions , =but only between Ju- ftificationand Adoption, "-Juftificationhaving the priority in order of nature ; that being juftified by his Grace, roe fhould be Heirs according to the hope of Eternal life. All the things he mentions are infeparable. No man is Regenerate or renewed by the Holy Ghoft, but withal he is juftified. No man is ju- ftified, but withal he is renewed by the Holy Ghoft. And they are all of them equally of- Sov°eráign Grace in God in oppofition unto any - works of Righteoufnefs that we have wrought. And we plead for the freedom of Gods Grace in Sanctification, no lets then in Juftification. But that it is ne- ceít`ary that we fhouldbe Sanctified that we ° may be juftified before God, whojuftifieththeungodly; the Apofilefays not in this place, nor any thing to that pùrpofe ; neither yet if he did fo, would,it at all prove; that the fignification of that expreffion to be ju ified, is to be fan &ified, or to have inhe- rent Holinefan ighteoufnefs wrought in us. And thefe Teftimonies would not have been produced - -to prove it, wherein thefe things are fo exprefly diftinguifhed, but that there are none to be found of more force or evidence. The Taft place wherein he grants this fignification of the word Jhxeasa,is Revel. 22.1I.ó Amu& d`tkcuoOliwo ti77,qui7uf i f, yuftificetur ad wc; -which place is pleaded by all the Roman fis. And our Author fays, they are but few among the Prote- ftants who do not acknowledge that the word cannot be here ufed in a Forenfickfenfe,but that t6be juftified, is to go -on and encreafe in Piety and Righteoufnefs. ' Anfiv. But ( i ) There is a great objeecion lies in the way of= any Argument from thefe words; namely, from the 'vari- aus