Its of ecial Objet7 farther cleared. 1c 8 5 nus Reading of the place. For many antient Copies read not Ó ¡lYyi óiKCU0947w1 Ën; which the vulgar renders jufifieetur adhuc, but d`1r ,00vvtwv ,rornQt17w tin; Let him thatisRighteons work Righ. teoufnef fill, as doth the Printed Copy which now lyeth before me. So it was in the Copy of the Compluten(ian Edi- tion which Stephens commends above all others ; and in one more antient Copy that he ufed. So it is in the Syriack and Arabickpublifhed by Hutertrs, and in our own Polyglot. So Cyprian reads the words de bono patienti e ; juflus frutent ad.. hoc juíliora faciat , (rniliter flaw fandiora. And I doubt not but that is the true reading of the place ; d`ixot oOñiw being fupplied by force to comply with e ito that enfues. And this phrafe of hx.a. oovvnv zo1 +v is peculiar unto this Apoftle, being no where ufed in the New Teflament, ( nor it may be in any other Author ) but by him. And he ufeth it exprefly ; r Epift. 2. 29. and Chap. 3.7. where thole words, ; 7101WV á1Ml100v vnv d'hOlos 47, do plainly contain what is here expreffed. (2 ) To be juflified, as the word is rendred by the vulgar, let him be juf ified more (as it muff: be rendred, if the word hx,uoO67w be retained) refpe&s an of of God, which neither in its beginning nor continuation is prefcribed unto us as a duty, nor is capable of increafe in degrees as we fhall thew afterwards. (3 ) Men are faid to be d íx,cuol gene- rally from inherent Righteoufnef ; and if the Apoftle had intended Juftification in this place, he would not have faid airs' but ó dlxcuo0E+s. All which things prefer the Compluten- (ian, Syriack, and Arabick, before the vulgar reading of this place. If the vulgar reading be retained, no more can be intended, but that he who is Righteous, fhould fo proceed in working Righteoufnefs, as to fecure his juftified eftate unto himfelf, and to manifeft it before God and the World. Now whereas the words huav,,r and crocaidmual are ufed 36 times in the New Tefiament,thefe are all the places, whereun- to any exceptionis put in againft their Forenfick (ignifcation; B b And