186 The.Vfè of Faith in yus` ification; And how ineffectual there exceptions are, is evident untoany impartial Judge. Some other Confederations may yet be made ufe of and pleaded to the fame purpofe : Such is the oppofition that is made between juf ification and Condemnation ; So is it, Ifa. 5o. 8, 9. Prov. 17. 15. Rom. 5. 165 18. Chap. 8. 3, 34. and in fundry other places, as may be obferved in the preceding enumeration of them. Wherefore as Condemnation is not the infufing of an habit of wickednefs into him that is con- demned ; nor the making of him to be inherently wicked, who was before Righteous 5 but the palling a fentence upon a man withrefpe&unto his wickednefs; no more is yuf ificati- o n the change of a perfon from inherent unrighteoufnefsunto Righteoufnefs, by the infufìonof a principle of Grace, but a fentential Declärationof him tobe Righteous. Moreover, the thing intended is frequently declared in the Scripture by other (equivalent terms, which are abfolutely ex- clufive of anyfuch fenfe,asthe infflion of an habit of Righte a fnef ; So. the Apoflie exprefléth it by the Imputation of Righteoufnefr without Works ; Rom. 4. 6, i I. And calls it theBleffédnefs, which we have by the pardon of fin, and the covering of Iniquity in the fame place. So it is called Re- conciliation with God ; Rom. 5. 9, ró. To be jufki:&ed by the Blood of Chrift, is the fame with being Reconciled by his Death. Being now juf ifiéd by his Blood, we fhall be faved from wrath by him. For if when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by theDeath of his Son, much more being reconciled, we (hall be laved by his life.. See 2 Cor. 5. 20, 21. Reconciliation i not the in fülion of an habit of Grace, but the effe&ing of peace and love, by the removal of all enmity and caufes of offence. To fave, and Salvation are ufedto the fame purpofe.. (hall fave his people from their fins Matth. a.. i. is the fame, with, by him all that believe are juf ified from all things, from which they could not be jufliféd by the Lazo of Mofes,, Act.