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Itr decialObjea farther cleared. 127 A &. 13. 39, That of Gal. 2. 16. We have believed that we might bejified by the Faith of Chri, and not by the Works of the Law, is the fame with Aft. 15. 1 1. Bat we believe that through the Grace of our Lord Jeffus Chrifl, we fhall be faved even as they ; Ephef. 2. 8, 9. By Grace ye are faved, through Faith, and not of Works ; is fo to be juftified. So it is exprei fed by pardon, or the Remifzon of Sins, which is the effeá of it ; Rom. 4. 5, 6. By receiving the Atonement ;Chap. 5. I I . not coming into judgment or Condemnation ; Joh. 5. 24. Blotting out fins and Iniquities ; Ifa. 43. 25. Pfal. 5 I. 9. If . 44.. 22. jer. 18. 23. All. 3. 19. Gaffing them into the bot- tom of the Sea ; Micah. 7. 19. and fundry other expreflions of an alike importance. The Apoftle declaring it by its effets , lays, d1'x,wot k-ruszt9ñanv-reu ót ltóAnor Many fall be made Righteous,Rom. 5. 19. auuos sg,9istow, who on a juridical Trial in open Court, is abfolved and declared Righteous. And fo it may be obferved that all things concerning f u- ffification are propofed in the Scripture under a juridical Scheme:, or Foren erkTrya and Sentence. As ( r) A judg- ment is fuppofed in it, concerning which, the Pfalmif tt prays that it maynot proceed on the terms of the Law, Pfal. 143.2. (2 ) The Judge, is God himfelf; Ifa. 50. 7, 8. Rom. 8. 33. ( 3 ) The Tribunal whereon God fits in Judgment, is the Throne of Grace, Heb. .. 1.6. Therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and 'therefore vvill he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you ;for the Lord is a God of udgment Ifa. 30.18. (4 ) A Guilty perfon. This is the Sinner, who is i 7red`txos i esa, fo guilty of fin, as to be vbnoxi- emu) the Judgment of God ; 763 d`txaW,uaTt m ea. Rom. 3.19. Chap. 1.32. whole mouth is flopped by Convi6tion. ( 5 ) Ac- cuf rs are ready to propofe and promote the charge againfl the Rguilty perfon ; Thefe are the Law, Job. 5. 45. and Confcience, om. 2. i 5. and Sathan alío, Zach. 3. 2. Rev: 12. í ó. (6) The Charge is admitted and drawn up into an Hand= } B b 2 vvriting