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i 8 8 1 he Vfe of Faith in yuftificetion ; vvriting in form of Law, and is laid before the Tribunal of the Judge in Bar, to the Deliverance of the Offender. Col. 2. 14. ( 7 ) A Plea is prepared in the Gofpe! for the guilty perfon. And this is Grace, through the Blood of C.hrifc , the Ranfome paid, the Atonement made, the Eternal Righteoufnefs brought in by the Surety of the Covenant. Rom. 3. 23, 24, 25. Dan. 9. 24. Eph. I. 7. ( 8) Hereunto alone the Sinner betalze.r himfelf, renouncing all other Apologies or defenfatives whatever. Pfal. 13o. 2, 3. Pfal. 143.2. job. 9. 2, 3. Chap. 42. 5, 6, 7. Lull 18.13. Rom. 3. 24, 25. Chap. 5. I I, 16, 17, 18, 19. Chap. 8.1, 2, 3. ver. 32. 33. Va. 53. 5, 6. Heb. 9. 13, 14, 15. Chap. i o. I, 2,3,4,5,6,7; 8, 9, lo, I I , 12, 13. 1 Pet. 2. 24. 1 job. I. 7. Other Pleafor a Sinner before Godthere is none. He who knoweth God and himfelf , will not provide or betake himfelf unto any other. Nor will he as I fuppofe truftunto. any other defence, were he Pure of all the Angels in Heaven to plead for him..: (9 ) To make this Plea effectual we have an Advocate with the Father, and he pleads his own propitiation for us. 1 joh. 2.1, 2. (I o) The Sentence hereon is Abfolution, on the account of the Ranfome, Blood or Sacrifice and Righte- oufnefs of Chrift ; with. Acceptation into favour, as perfons approved of God. yob. 33. 24. Pfal. 32.1, 2. Rom. 3. 23, 24, 25. Chap. 8. i, 33, 34. 2Cor. 5. 21. Gal. 3. 13, 14. Of what ufetheDeclaration of this Procefs in the Juftifi- cation of a Sinner may be, bath been in forne meafure before declared. And if many did ferioufly confider, that all thefe things do concur and are required unto the jnßification of every one that (hall be Paved,: it may be they would not have filch flight thoughts of fin, and the way of Deliverance from the guilt of it, as they feemta-have. From this Con fideration. did the Apoftle learn that Terror of the Lord, which made him fo carnal with men to leek after Reconcilia> &ion.;..2 Cor. 5; IQ, I.L.