BT763 O9 1677

The V if1inetion of a Firs, &c. I had not fo long infifted on the fignification of the words in the Scripture, but that a right underftanding of it,, Both: not only exclude the pretences of the Romani fit about the infulonof an habit of Charity, from being the formal cauf of our Juftificationbefore God, but may alto give occafion: unto fome to take advice, into what place or confederation they can difpofe their own perfonal inherent RighteoufneJ their Juftification before him. 8:9 CHAP. V. The Digintli.on of a fi rsi and f Gond jusii ca- tion Examined. The Continuation of yum sctification whereon it doth depend. BEfore we enquire immediately into the nature and cam/ is of Juftification, there are Tome things yet previoufly to be confidered, that we may prevent. all Ambiguity and mifunderftanding, about the Subje& to be treated of. Iffy therefore that the Evangelical juflification which alone we plead about, is but one, and is at once compleated. About any other Juftification before God but one, we will not con- tend with any. Thofe who can find out another, may as they pleafe afcribe what they will unto it, or afcribe it unto what theywill. Let us therefore.confider what is offered of this nature. Thole of the Roman Church do ground their whole Igo- trine of Juftification upon a diftinftion of a double 'OJT" cation, whichthey call thefirflandthe fecond. The firft Ju- ftification, they fay, is the infufion or the. Co.:nmunicatiot, unto.